STEM Workshops
NYSSLS Fundamentals for Elementary K-5
The following materials have been created by consultant Glenn Cohrane and can be used to help implement the NYS Science Learning Standards in a district asynchronously or in small groups. Districts can place these materials into their own Google Drive or One Drive so they can be accessed a learning management system (like Google Classroom). This is a 4 part program on the Fundamentals of the NYSSLS for K-5. It can be run through the One Stop Agenda Anchor Chart shown below.
The Google folder with the materials in the Anchor chart can be accessed here.
An introduction for how to use these is below:
What does this look like in the classroom?
More components of NYSSLS
Each video gives the opportunity to pause and discuss or download materials to review using 3D screeners, followed up by an explanation.
NYSSLS in the Elementary School Classroom
Using Performance Level Descriptors
Part I
Using Performance Level Descriptors
Part II
Innovation in the Classroom
Components of NYSSLS
Transition to NYSSLS Curriculum
Essentials of NYSSLS Assessment
Technology Based Regional Workshops
NYSSLS Standards Workshops Y1/2
These materials are provided as a resource for others to use but will require permission to reproduce.

Fundamentals of New York State Science Learning Standards - November 2019

Slightly Deeper Dive into NYSSLS ESBoces - November 2019

Slightly Deeper Dive to Implement NYSSLS - ESBoces - November 2019
Resources Used
The Wonder of Science
The Wonder of Science website is an aggregated collection of resources for science educators. Materials on this website have been created with a Creative Commons license and developed by Paul Andersen.
Our teachers were introduced to the site which includes many Google Document lesson templates that are in various stages of completion (most are complete). There are also wonderful graphic organizers that are very useful for science educators and students.
View science related graphic organizers here. Click on the PDF to view it. If you like it, click on the Google Document or Drawing to make a copy that you are able to edit.
Ex. Pattern graphic organizer. Click here to create your own copy.