On-Demand Video Resources

On-Demand Videos for Districts 2020-21

Nearpod 1 Getting Started.mp4

Getting Started with Nearpod

Video Resources from Nearpod: https://nearpod.com/resources#videos--section

Links to other Nearpod Resources

This is a link to a presentation that just tells you a little more about Nearpod: https://logicwing-my.sharepoint.com/:p:/g/personal/blanca_logicwing_net/EWon63kfhi5Nj84BzyEIn7ABjmrt7y3oh-zz8rZs2d3ZCw?e=A4bvn6

Nearpod 2 Engaging Students with Video.mp4

Building Student Engagement with Nearpod

Four Ways to Increase Engagement and Participation with Nearpod

If you use Teams, here is a short video to show you how to add your link to your Teams channel to make it easier for kiddos to find the link and participate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5SmIcgl9Xo

If you use Seesaw, here is a link to a short video on how you can add the link to a Seesaw activity: https://youtu.be/-kJkhWFJN0w?t=25

Nearpod 3 Using Reports.mp4

Using Reports in Nearpod

To gain even more expertise in Nearpod, consider taking some of their online courses such as this one and earn your Distance Learning Badge.

Nearpod EL Full version.mp4

Using Nearpod EL

Download this whitepaper to read how to amplify learning for ELLs using Nearpod

051121 LTG ESB Microsoft Forms - BEG video .mp4

Creating Online Assessments with Microsoft Forms

Google Classroom Cleanup.mp4

Preparing Google Classroom for Next Year: End of Year CleanUp

Screencastify as a Tool for Learning.mp4

Screencastify as a Tool for Learning

On-Demand Videos for Districts 2019-20

Office 365 1.mp4

Office 365 Intro

Spring 2020

Microsoft Teams 1.mp4

Microsoft Teams

Spring 2020

EdPuzzle 2.mp4

EdPuzzle Intro

Spring 2020

PearDeck 1.mp4

Pear Deck Intro

Spring 2020

WeVideo 1.mp4

WeVideo Intro

Spring 2020