
American Road Trip

Writing About Reading

Learning Objective: I will engage thoughtfully with American Road Trip by answering critical analysis questions about the text

American Road Trip by Patrick Flores-Scott

Directions: listen to excerpts 1 and 2 of American Road Trip before answering the questions

Excerpt #1: Wednesday, September 10, 2008

  1. What do you think is going to happen?

  2. What do you think of Teodoro so far as a character?

  3. Are there parts of the story you can relate to?

Excerpt #2:

Excerpt #2: Thursday, September 11, 2008

  1. During the course of a story, characters often change. What change do you see in Teodoro from the beginning of the first excerpt to the end of this excerpt?

  2. What do you think is fueling or causing that change? Explain your answer.

Reading and Writing Non-Fiction

School Dress Codes

I will learn how to identify both sides of an issue, by reading an article and answering a writing prompt, using direct evidence from the article.

Background: This is the next step in our argumentative writing unit, noticing how an author presents an argument.


  1. Access the assignment and Newsela article through our Google Classroom by clicking on the following link and entering the password: g2v63ct


  1. Once you are in Google Classroom, click on the assignment and follow the directions as given on the Newsela assignment.

Optional or Advanced Task: Watch the attached video for an example of a highly advanced , 12 year old, local speaker.

What were some things that stood out to you about her speech? Does this give you ideas about what to include in your own argumentative writing?

Are there any quotes that you would like to use from the video to support your own argumentative writing? If so, write them down, so you do not forget. Don't forget to include the title of the video and the name of the speaker.


Pick 1-2 Journal Prompts to write about this week.

I will learn that writing, requires stamina and by writing a little every day I can build my writing stamina.

Stamina- is the amount of time you can do a specific task without taking a break or losing focus.


Pick 1-2 journal prompts to write about this week.

If you would like me to read your work please email it to: skiefer1@g.rentonschools.us


(These all came from your responses to last week's assignment)

  • How did your lifestyle change from before the outbreak and after?

  • Were there times when it got scary or joyful?

  • Were you able to keep participating in any physical activities?

  • Why did people buy so much toilet paper?

  • How did you adjust to being quarantined?

  • How did you stay in contact with friends?

  • What was your schedule? (Routines)

  • What did staying inside make you realize about the things you could've done before all of this happened?