5/29- 6/4



Objective: I can identify common themes in literature, by reading a news article and answering a short prompt.


  1. Read the Newsela article "10 Common Themes in Literature."

  2. Afterwords answer the questions on the google form.

Note: Add yourself to our Google Classroom by clicking on the following link and entering the password g2v63ct



Journal: June 1st-5th

I will learn that writing, requires stamina and by writing a little every day I can build my writing stamina.

Stamina- is the amount of time you can do a specific task without taking a break or losing focus.


Pick 1-2 journal prompts to write about this week.

Please email it to: skiefer1@g.rentonschools.us or submit it through our google classroom.


  • How did your lifestyle change from before the outbreak and after?

  • What changes do you think Covid-19 will have on our world? Do you think we will go back to the way things were, or do you think some things will permanently change?

  • Were you able to keep participating in any physical activities?

  • What is one thing you did, to keep your spirits up?

  • How did you adjust to being quarantined?

  • How did you stay in contact with friends?

  • What was your schedule? (Routines)

  • What regrets do you have? If you could go back and change one thing, what would you change?

  • Do you think students around the world have the same concerns as you? Why or Why not?

  • Do you think grades are a necessary part of education? Why or Why not?

  • Do you think it is important for school to have counselors? Why or Why not?

  • Describe the accomplishments you are most proud of.

  • How did you adjust to being quarantined?

  • What are three things you could today to help out someone in your home?

  • If you could invent anything what would you want to invent? Explain why.

  • Do you think out-of-school suspension is an appropriate form on punishment for students who misbehave? What do you think we should do differently?

  • In which of the following ways do you express yourself best: poetry, singing, playing an instrument, dancing, painting or writing in a journal? Why? How else do you express your feelings?


Themes in Real Life

What will I learn : Themes exist in our everyday lives.

Option 1:

Listen to a favorite song, paying close attention to the lyrics. What is one theme from the song? Explain why, you think that. Bonus points for using direct evidence.

Option 2:

If you were to pick a theme for your experience with COVID-19, what it be. Explain why, you think that. Bonus points for using evidence in your writing.

Google Form:
