
Narrative Non-Fiction: Coming of Age

I will be able to analyze a Coming of Age text, by listening to a story and drawing conclusions around character and theme.


  1. Listen to "Emmanuel's Dream."

  2. Complete your assignment on the google form.

Comparing Texts

I can compare and contrast a historical account, and analyze the differences between author presentation.


  1. Watch both versions of Emmanuel's Story.

  2. Complete the google form.


I will learn that writing, requires stamina and by writing a little every day I can build my writing stamina.

Stamina- is the amount of time you can do a specific task without taking a break or losing focus.


Pick 1-2 journal prompts to write about this week.

Please email it to: skiefer1@g.rentonschools.us or submit it through our google classroom.


  • What is a piece of advice you would give to future 7th graders?

  • Describe what you would like your life to be like in twenty years .

  • What is one thing, you can do next year as an eighth grader, to help incoming sixth graders feel comfortable, while they are adjusting to middle school?

  • What regrets do you have? If you could go back and change one thing, what would you change?

  • Do you think students around the world have the same concerns as you? Why or Why not?

  • Why is it hard to admit you were wrong? Describe a time when you did or didn’t admit you were wrong, and how it made you feel.

  • Do you think it is important for school to have counselors? Why or Why not?

  • How do you think advertising affects our idea of beauty?

  • What are three things you could today to help out someone in your home?