

Character Work

I will be inferring two character traits, and identifying how the character main changed by listening to the story"'Not Norman, a Goldfish Story.'"


Listen to the story, linked below. Afterwards, respond to the following questions,

  1. What can you infer about the main character at the beginning of the story? *Hint: list two character traits

  1. What can you infer about the main character at the end of the story? *Hint: list two character traits, that are a change from the traits at the beginning.

  1. What caused the character to change their view on Norman?




I will learn how characters impact a story's plot. by re-writing (plotting) out "Not Norman, a Goldfish Story'" using a different pet.

I will also review plot structure by watching the video.

Directions: Answer the following questions and prompts for the story, "'Not Norman, a Goldfish Story.'"

  1. How would the story be different if the main character received a different pet? What if it was a dog, snake, duck, or something else?

  2. Plot out the events of your story using a plot map. Can't remember what that is? Watch the video!

  3. How did having a different pet impact the plot? Do you think that would happen if you changed a character in each story you read? Why or why not?



Sharing Ideas

I will learn that there are many different ways to share stories and ideas, by completing one of the following activities.

Directions: Use your story from this week's writing activity, or use your narrative from earlier in the year. Then complete 1 or more of the following activities, using the story.

  • Sketch a comic strip of the story.

  • Creating a google slide show, using clip art, etc.

  • Create a dance that represents the story.

  • Create a one pager showing the theme.

  • Act out your story and record it.

  • Create a song about your story.

  • Write your story as a poem.

  • Create a visual image that represents the ideas from your story.

  • Create a physical model, that represents the ideas from your story.