Juniors 3/25
Grade: 11
Topic: Delayed Gratification
Goal Statement: Students will review benefits of waiting on instant gratification.
ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors Standard (s) B-SMS 4: Demonstrate ability to delay immediate gratification for long-term rewards.
Slideshow below
Give each student 1 piece of Candy Explain they may choose to eat in now or wait until the end of the lesson and receive a great reward then.
Show SlideShow (below)
At the end of the lesson, give the students who did not eat their candy a second one.
Discussion Questions:
How might learning to delay gratification at a young age lead to people making more money, being happier, and having better relationships? Why might being unable or unwilling to delay gratification lead to problems?
Our current society is conditioned for now, faster, easier and fun. How does this make delayed gratification difficult?
On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your overall level of self discipline? Are you able to keep from looking /checking your phone for periods of time?
What more could you all accomplish if you answered that last questions with a 9 or 10?
Was it worth it to wait to eat your candy in order to receive a 2nd one?
If you did not wait, why not?
What other things in life would you like to get up instant gratification in order to achieve a higher goal? Why is it worth it?