
Professionalism Grade (approximately 20% of semester grade)

This portion of your grade is based on developing and displaying a professional attitude and work skills in all your academy classes.

Specific graded items include:

Following company (school) dress code and policies. (Includes wearing your Academy shirt on Tuesdays) (100 points/quarter)

Reporting to work (classes) on time and having good attendance. All class periods count.  For distance learning this is being to Zoom meetings each day and on time. (5 points/day)

Being respectful to fellow students and teachers in class, out of class and online. This includes not using  your cell phone during class unless it is directly related to school work. (100 points /quarter)

Completing your assigned work (turning in all assignments) (100 points/quarter)

Your other teachers will inform on you if you do not follow these requirements and you will lose professionalism points in my class and theirs.

Absences and Tardies: In order to assist you in being on time and in class, there will be a strict Academy Tardy and unexcused absence policy. Just as you would report in to inform them of an illness, you need to report in to Mrs. Dolan on or at before school starts via message or email. Make sure to include your name, the reason you will not be in class and when you will return to school. Failing to call in an absence to work can get you fired; here it will lose your Professionalism points. Likewise, being tardy to work repeatedly can get you fired. Therefore, tardies are also unacceptable. During distance learning you should be able to be in class even if you are feeling ill or have a doctors appointment. If you will not be able to log in for the day due to extreme illness, a long doctors appointment or a family emergency please make sure you message all your teachers.

Absence Policy- Cumulative for all classes ( you can lose more than 5 points per day)

Failure to report in: loss of professionalism points

Unexcused absence- 3 days to clear absence with the attendance office. If not done: loss of Professionalism points for that day.

Excused absences- sometimes there is a good reason for an absence but if you are out too many days, you will get fired. You are allowed 5 excused absences per semester without losing points. More than that will cause a reduction in your Professionalism grade unless you have a Dr’s Note for the absences.

Tardy Policy- Students should be in all classes when the bell rings. Five points will be removed from the Professionalism grade for each tardy any day. It is possible to lose up to 30 points in a day.

Disrespect to teachers or fellow students:

No bullying or name calling is ever appropriate in the workplace and can result in being fired. In the Health Academy it will result in loss of points and a writing assignment the first 2 times and in dismissal from the academy at the semester for the third. Workplace gossip is also considered unprofessional as it distracts people from fulfilling their job duties. Gossip within the Health Academy Family disrupts the learning environment and hurts the family atmosphere we work hard to create therefore it will result in a required Zoom meeting to talk out the issue. Cyberbullying is a crime and will be dealt with by removal from the Academy. Comments about other students have no place in the Snapchat or Twitter accounts of Health Academy students. You are all caring individuals who want to help others so you need to show that in all aspects of your life.

No disrespect for teachers is allowed at all. This includes behavior toward subs. This is a zero tolerance policy and will result in an immediate referral and consideration for removal from the Academy at the semester or end of the year.

Completing all Work Tasks:

Failure to complete all assignments may result in Zoom meetings with parents to discuss the problems and try to come up with solutions. This is required and removal from the Academy will be considered for failure to attend.

You are expected to maintain at least a 2.0 GPA. If at any time any grade is a D or F, tutoring will be assigned. What this looks like with distance learning will have to be figured out.

If you are worried about any class, you may come to tutoring for assistance. We will help you study, organize notes, understand math etc. Please get help before your grade is low. You can arrange a Zoom meeting with any teacher to get help.

Tutoring is required for all students with below a 2.0 the past semester. It will be two days per week with an assigned HA teacher or a teacher in the area that you need to study. Tutoring must be attended the entire semester in order to get grades up in all classes. Your teachers want you to pass all classes and NOT need Credit Recovery or Summer School. If this changes because of distance learning you will be informed.

Further Appearance reminders:

In the medical workplace, hair is required to be a natural color for your age. Our medical partners have agreed that students may have one un-natural hair color with no more than two colors total.  Extreme hairstyles are also not allowed in the workplace and will not be allowed in the Health Academy. This includes Mohawks, partial head shaved styles and any other styles determined by the teaching team to be unacceptable.

Tattoos that are visible in scrubs are also not allowed in many hospitals or medical offices. Healthcare is a conservative career field and many elderly clients are uncomfortable with individuals they can see are tattooed. Although many young people consider this a personal choice, it is not appropriate to have visible tattoos in the workplace. Please do not get any tattoos on your arms, neck, upper or lower back (tends to show when you reach up or bend at the waist). If you must get a tattoo, please make sure it will not show with any school clothes and do not expect the dress code rules to change while the tattoo is fresh.

It is recommended that piercings are only in the ears and are generally limited to 2 holes in each with small earrings unless you already have more.Nose, lip, tongue or eyebrow piercings are discouraged as you will have to remove them to perform community service at the hospital. 

Grade Determination:

You are expected to comply with all of the above requirements each day.

25 points are awarded per week

Each instance of non-compliance not mentioned above will result in the loss of 5 points. You can lose more than 25 points in a day if you are tardy to multiple classes. Please keep on top of your work ant get absences excused