Fun Friday Options
Weekly Check-Ins:
Sign-Up for a 1:1 Check-In time if you haven't already!
(Link in Canvas Advisory Course)
ZOOM Options:
10:00am Friday Make-up/Work Time
Independent Options:
Intro to Acrylic Painting Course! - Have you ever wanted to learn how to paint, but didn’t know where to start? The Art Sherpa created this FUN class to show you how! - Choose 1 class or watch all 17 lessons to improve your techniques & skills in painting!
Healthy Activity BINGO: Make a copy of the BINGO card & share your finished version with Annaleah
Foreign Language with DuoLingo! - Pick a language to learn!
Use this Code to signup & join the class :
Keyboarding Practice - Interested in learning to type faster? Try out TypingClub. Join the class:
Music with Mr. Moore? Are you interested in a music class? Let Annaleah know & we will schedule this!