
Grades 4-6

KPBSD will be supporting intermediate iChoice learners across the district with a district-wide teacher.

Program Specifics


Enrollment is capacity based. Please contact your neighborhood school to determine if there is space in the program.


100% Remote at the primary level has 3 parts:

CORE CONTENT - Curriculum provided by teacher and delivered in partnership with parents will provide targeted instruction in core subjects: Math, Reading, Writing.

DIRECT INSTRUCTION - Students will meet individually with Teacher who will augment learning with targeted support.

⭐PROJECT BASED LEARNING - Students will meet daily as a learning community for lessons and activities in non-core subjects: Social Studies, Science, Health.



  • Students will meet at a set time daily as a class. Attendance is taken at each lesson.

  • Students will work on their assigned content.


  • Students will meet individually at a set time and day with their class teacher.

  • Students will meet regularly for reading group.