Tricks and Tips

For Instructors & Students

All Course Sites

All Course Sites: Two weeks after the last day of classes, course sites are automatically archived in Canvas. You can still get access to them, however. To see all of your course sites, click on the Courses button in the left hand toolbar. Scroll down and click on the All Courses link. You'll be able to see all of your courses. You can also favorite a course to see it in your dashboard again.

Canvas App for Teachers and Students

Canvas App for Teachers and Students: You can download the Canvas app for teachers and/or students from the Apple Store or from Google Play. When you first launch the app, you'll need to search for Harvey Mudd College as your school. You can then login with your HMC Credentials.

For Instructors 

Course Nicknames

Course Nicknames: Instructors can't change the official name of their course, but they can give them a nickname. To add a nickname to a site, click the More Options icon on the course card of the course that you would like to change the nickname of. Enter the nickname in the Nickname field, and click Apply. The nickname will now appear on your course card.

Hiding Files and Folders in the Files Tool

Hiding files and folders in the Files tool: By default course files are visible and accessible to all users. Teachers and TAs can restrict files and folders, which means the content will only be accessible to teachers and TAs in the course as long as the file is not placed to a content area outside of Files (e.g. Modules, Assignments). Full instructions can be found in the Canvas Help Documentation entitled How do I restrict files and folders to students in Canvas?

For Students 

Cross-registered Students

Cross-registered students: Unlike with Sakai, where all of The Claremont Colleges shared a single instance of Sakai, each of the colleges has their own instance of Canvas. However, all of the colleges have set up "federated trusts" between their instances. This means that students should only login to their home college's instance of Canvas and they will see all of their course sites, even if they are cross-registered in courses at another college. We have a list of all of the instances of Canvas at The Claremont Colleges for your convenience.

Notification Preferences

Notifications allow you to set how often you want to be notified of course events.  You can choose to receive them immediately, daily, weekly or not at all.  To set up, go to global navigation, click on Account then Notifications. 

Canvas Calendar

The Canvas Calendar shows all your assignments and events for all your Canvas courses in one place.