Crosswalk Between Sakai and Canvas

Crosswalk Between Sakai and Canvas

Here are tool equivalents and details between the Sakai and Canvas learning management systems. See Canvas Instructor Guides to learn more about each tool.

Basic Tool Equivalents Between Sakai and Canvas 



Sakai Home

Canvas Dashboard 

Site Info > Manage Participants

Site Info > Manage Groups

Site Info > Import from Site

Gradebook Categories & Weighting

Assignments > Weighted Groups 

Grading Schema

Settings (Course Details) > Grading Scheme 

Grading Assignments, Forums, Tests & Quizzes


Canvas Inbox 

Rich Text Editor


Canvas Calendar > Scheduler Appointment Group 

Tests & Quizzes


Pages (set page to allow anyone to edit) | Pages Overview (Video) 

External Tools

Same external tool integrations available: Gradescope, Zoom, Piazza & Mediasite

No built-in template options

HMC Canvas Course Template

Provides a starting point for building and organizing course content using Pages and Modules

Uses visual style, formatting, tool use examples, built with digital accessibility in mind

Students get a similar learning experience across their courses using the template

Schools and departments can use a template for all of their courses. Contact us via

No repository for educator resource sharing

No custom learning based performance

No tracking of student mastery

User Roles 







Teaching Assistant

TA, Tutor, or Designer (based on desired permissions)





Course and User Settings 



Canvas Details

Sakai Home 

Canvas Dashboard 

Using the Dashboard as an instructor

The Dashboard displays courses in the current term.

Your To Do list will show items you still need to grade.

Hide courses from the Dashboard through Courses > All Courses. Star the sites you want displayed and then the un-starred courses will be removed from your Dashboard.

Sakai Home > Membership  

Canvas Courses >

All Courses


View current and past courses.

When at least one course is starred, the un-starred courses will be removed from your Dashboard.

Site Info > Manage Tools / Tool Order  

Settings > Navigation 

Managing course navigation links.

External Tool Integrations: Gradescope, Zoom.

Site Info > Import from Site  

Settings (Course Details) > Import / Export Course Content 

Copy content between Canvas courses.

You can choose exactly what content to copy between Canvas sites, including the entire course or specific items within tools.

Easily adjust dates during import by shifting or removing dates.

Important Note: Import content into a course from the same source only once. Importing the same content more than once will replace existing content in your site you previously imported.

Sakai Home > Preferences > Notifications 

Canvas Account > Notifications 

Managing Canvas notifications.

You can choose what email and app notifications you receive and customize these per course. Download the Canvas Teacher App to receive push notifications. 

Home > Profile  

Account > Profile / Settings 

Add your photo and personalize your Canvas Profile.

Add your pronouns any any additional email address or devices in your Canvas Account Settings.

View Site As > Student 

Student View 

View your course as a student.

Student View allows you to upload materials, take quizzes, and navigate the course as a “Test Student.”

The Test Student and their applicable scores will appear in the Gradebook. You can reset the Test Student anytime.

Publish Site / Site Info > Manage Access 

Home / Settings > Publish 

Publish your course to grant students access.

Important Note: Even if a course is published, students will not get access outside of Term dates. You can view and modify your course start and end dates in Settings.

Course goes into a read-only mode after the Term end date has passed. This means instructors also cannot make any updates after the end date.

Course cannot be unpublished once student submissions have been received.

Course Activity and Communication 



Canvas Details


Can allow students to reply or react to announcements.

Can require posting before viewing replies on announcements.


View, reply to, and send messages to individual students or the entire class from the Inbox located in the Global Canvas menu, not within a course.

Filter your Inbox by course, group, favorites, unread, etc. 


Group discussions possible.

Can require students reply to a discussion before viewing others' replies.

By default, students have ability to create discussions. Instructors can disable this.

Graded Discussions are automatically sent to. Assignments and the Gradebook.

Note: It is currently not possible to set up anonymous discussions.


Schedule office hours using a Scheduler appointment group.

Changes made to assignment due dates are automatically updated everywhere in course.

The Calendar tool allows for a one-way sync of a calendar feed from Canvas to an external. Calendar like Outlook.

Site Info > Manage Groups 

Create Group Sets through People tool. Can automatically or manually assign group members; allow for self sign-ups.

View Groups and their Group Homepages through People tool. For students, Groups will be accessible through People tool and Global Canvas menu.

Assign group leaders to help manage your groups.

Finalize groups before publishing group assignments.

Site Info > Manage Participants / Add Participants 

People: Enrolled students from the Portal will automatically appear. Canvas synchronizes with the Portal 3 times a day, like Sakai, at 2:30 A.M., 12:30 P.M., and 5:30 P.M. PST

Students who drop course will remain in the course but as Inactive

Contact to manually add auditors, TA's, and graders.

TA Access 

TA Access 

Contact to manually add auditors, TA's, and graders.


People: View last time student accessed course and total time spent in course; summary of all student interactions.

People > student's User Details: View student grades, interactions between student and instructor, course access, outcomes.

New Analytics: View individual student analytics.

New Analytics: View average course grade and weekly online activity; filter by section, assignment, students.

Content Management



Canvas Details



5 different layout options for the course Home page: Course activity stream, Pages tool Front Page, course Modules, Assignments list, Syllabus.

Rich Text Editor 

The RCE is much more than a basic text editor. In addition to external links, you can easily link to items in the course including assignments, quizzes, discussions and embed media and documents.

Robust Accessibility Checker verifies links, headers, images, text size and color contrasts, and table elements and provides details on failed accessibility items.


Actual files must be uploaded into the Files tool. You can share links, text, and a variety of content through the Rich Content Editor on Pages.

There are 3 file types in Canvas: Course, Group, Personal. In a course, Files tool displays the course-related files. Group files can be accessed via the Group Homepage > Files. All course and personal files can be accessed via the Global Canvas menu > Account > Files.

Schedule student visibility on files or folders.

*Important Note: It is currently not possible to restrict access to items in Files to certain sections or groups. Access is either to all or no students.

Files are also set to Published on upload.


Syllabus Course Summary is automatically generated with assignments and course events.

Top of Syllabus can be edited to include your course syllabus as text or uploaded file.

Course assignment groups and grading weights are listed in the Syllabus.

Can be set as the course Home page.


Combination of Modules and Pages 

Content (text, documents, PDFs, embedded media, course links, external links, etc.) is added through the dynamic Rich Content Editor on Pages. Pages are then organized into Modules.

Control the flow of your course through Modules. Modules then become checklists for students to see what items to complete.

Lock Modules until a certain time. Set prerequisites and required items within a Module.

View student progress in Modules.

A Page (must be set as the Front Page) or the Modules tool can be made the course Home page.

*Important Note: It is currently not possible to restrict access to items in Pages or Modules to certain sections or groups. Access is either to all or no students. 


Set page to allow anyone to edit page to collaborate with students.

No built-in option for a shared template 

Course Template 

HMC Canvas Course Template

Provides a starting point for building and organizing course content using Pages and Modules.

Uses visual style, formatting, tool use examples, built with digital accessibility in mind.

Students get a similar learning experience across their courses using the template.

Schools and departments can use a template for all of their courses. Contact us via 

Assignments, Quizzes and Grading



Canvas Details


Allows for multiple submission options: File upload (can restrict file type), text entry, media recording, URLs, or student annotations (students annotate document uploaded by instructor).

Students may use only one submission option (e.g., cannot submit both an uploaded file and entered text.

Group assignments are possible. Finalize student groups before publishing group assignments.

Set different assignment due dates to sections or individual students.

Batch-edit due dates and availability

Peer Review: You can manually assign or have Canvas automatically assign peer reviewers. Individual and Group assignments can be peer reviewed and made anonymous to students.

Enable anonymous grading on individual assignments.

Gradebook weighting and setup happens in Assignments.

Tests & Quizzes 


2 Quiz creation engines (Quiz Comparison Doc): New Quizzes (rocket icon filled in) and Classic Quizzes (rocket outlined).

Note: Classic Quizzes will be removed from Canvas. See New Quizzes Roadmap.

4 assessment type options: Graded quiz, practice quiz, graded survey, ungraded survey

Settings in New Quizzes; Settings in Classic Quizzes.

Feedback visible to students by default in New Quizzes. Restrict student result view in Settings.

Question Pools: Item Banks in New Quizzes; Question Banks in Classic Quizzes.

Set different quiz availability dates to sections or individual students.

Provide accommodation for student on a quiz: Moderate New Quiz; Moderate Classic Quiz

Apply accommodation to all quizzes for a student.

Grading Assignments, Forums, Tests & Quizzes 

Use SpeedGrader to grade Assignments, Quizzes, and Discussions.

View student submission (including attachments), grading rubric, feedback options all on one page.

Instructor can record audio or video feedback comments directly on student submission.

Hide student names in SpeedGrader

Enable anonymous grading on individual assignments.

Use fudge points to manually adjust a student's overall score.

Gradebook Setup 

Combination of Assignments and Grades 

Gradebook weighting and setup happens in Assignments.

In addition to Assignments, graded Quizzes (published and unpublished), graded. Discussions, and Attendance are automatically sent to Assignments (see Canvas Assignments vs. Activities). Organize your graded items into Assignment Groups to include % of total grade (similar to Sakai Gradebook categories).

Grading scheme is configured in course Settings.


Gradebook is automatically populated with columns corresponding to items in the Assignments list.

Cells are color-coded based on status (i.e., late, missing, resubmitted, dropped, excused).

Enter grades, change a student's submission status, or curve grades.

Leave comments and send messages based on submission status or scores.

Set a default grade on an assignment (can apply to all or only ungraded students) or apply a score to all ungraded items within an assignment group or entire Gradebook.

Manage student visibility of grades automatically or when manually posted.

Set policies to apply automatic grade deductions on late submissions or automatic grades on missing submissions.

What-If Grades allow students to calculate their total grade by entering hypothetical scores.

View history of all grading changes in Gradebook. Filter by student, grader, artifact, or dates.


Use Rubrics as grading criteria on Assignments, Quizzes, and graded Discussions.

Provide automatic feedback for students with pre-set grading criteria.

A rubric cannot be edited once added to an assignment.

Extra Credit 

Extra Credit 

TA Grading 

TA Grading 

Moderate assignments so instructor reviews and finalizes scores on assignments graded by TAs. Can be set up with anonymous grading.

Teaching Assistants are automatically granted grading permissions.