Common Issues and Things to Check

We strongly advise reviewing this list for details on potential issues you may find and need to clean up in your imported content, regardless of which option you choose to get your copied course materials. Keep in mind the transition process is not perfect and Sakai and Canvas are two different systems, so some cleanup will be expected to make sure your new Canvas course is set up correctly for the Fall 2023 term. Use the Course Link Validator to confirm your links are valid and responsive. Here are things to keep in mind if you:

Manually export Sakai content yourself (Option 1) to import content into your FA23 Canvas course:

Imported content from Sakai may look different in Canvas but may still save time compared to building everything from scratch. Plan to spend time reviewing the site, comparing it against the original in Sakai, and making updates. We have found that Sakai Lessons content will likely need a considerable amount of cleaning in Canvas courses. See Crosswalk Between Sakai and Canvas for details on comparable tools between the two systems.

Copy an existing Canvas course into your FA23 Canvas course (Option 2):

Make sure to update all course dates and confirm items are hidden that you may not want students to access.

Build your FA23 Canvas course from scratch (Option 3):

Review the guides and instructional videos on the Canvas Documentation page.