Canvas Transition FAQ

HMC has been migrating from Sakai to Canvas. We have compiled a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) that will help you find answers about the Canvas transition. 

We will be continuously adding additional FAQs and Resources as the transition progresses. If you don’t see an answer to your question, please submit specific questions, comments, and/or concerns to the feedback form.

Why Canvas?

When we originally moved to Sakai in 2006, the 5Cs were on several different LMS systems. HMC was on Sakai, CMC was on WebCT, and Pomona was on Moodle. When the Academic Deans made the decision to choose Sakai, they said that making sure that all of the colleges were on one platform was very important to them. They did not want students to have to learn multiple LMS platforms. With Scripps, KGI and CGU already on Canvas, and Pomona running a pilot this fall, we don’t want students to have to learn both Sakai and Canvas.

Sakai has a very small market share (54 of 3550 institutions use it). One consequence of this is that vendors are a lot less familiar with Sakai when it comes to integrating their tools. Just this fall we had issues with both Gradescope and Piazza integrations with our instance of Sakai.

Who will be administering Canvas for HMC?

Canvas will be administered by the Computing and Information Services team at HMC. 

What is the timetable for the transition?

We have been implementing a soft roll out in Spring 2023 with eleven faculty. The expectation is that we will be fully on Canvas for Fall 2024.

When do I need to move to Canvas?

A plan is being developed to migrate courses from Sakai to Canvas. The official transition timeline will be announced once it becomes available.

What will happen to my Sakai course content?

Every effort will be made to assist faculty in importing course content from Sakai to Canvas, in order to minimize the impact of transition on faculty and students.

I use specific tools in Sakai. What are some of those equivalent tools in Canvas?

If you are not familiar with Canvas and are looking for a specific tool that you use in Sakai, please view the “Crosswalk Between Sakai and Canvas” page. The equivalent tools in Sakai and Canvas are introduced. Video guides on how to use the equivalent Canvas tools are also included on that page.

What user roles and permissions are available in Canvas?

There are different user roles in Canvas: Student, Teacher, Teaching Assistant, Designer, Observer, Auditor, Tutor, Faculty Observer, and Librarian. Here is a detailed description of the Canvas roles at HMC.

How does this affect the integration of third-party tools such as Gradescope, Piazza, Zoom, etc.?

Third-party tools are integrated with Canvas through the Learning Tool Interoperability (LTI) standard. HMC Canvas users can continue using tools like Gradescope, Piazza and Zoom.

How long will I have access to my Sakai sites?

While a Sakai sunsetting plan has yet to be determined, users will be given sufficient time to migrate content before Sakai access is denied.

Does this affect my Sakai project sites?

Copying content from a Sakai Projects Site to Canvas is possible, but it may be worth investigating whether moving this content to Google Drive or another service might be a better solution. 

I'm already using Canvas from another institution. Does this change anything for me?

If you want to use your course content built on another Canvas instance, you can import it to the HMC Canvas instance. Please see "Transition Resources" page for instructions on importing content.  

I have questions about the transition. Who should I contact?

For any questions and concerns related to the Canvas transition, please contact the HMC help desk: