Performance Final: Multimedia Presentation

The end is near!

The end of the semester, that is. Like we discussed in our Meet session, you will still present on your research even though we can't meet in-person. Instead, you will have your pick of presentation of styles and mediums--video, podcast, infographic, comic strip, etc.--the presentation option you chose should depend on the nature of your research and your own creative voice. Please let me know if you want to present using a technological tool other than the ones listed below. I'm flexible!

  1. Pick your poison.

What presentation medium is right for you? Explore the resources and tutorials for each. Be ready to justify what type of media you will use for your performance final.

Seminar PF Project Ideas

Scroll through this document.

Choose the type of presentation that's right for you!

Individual Multimedia Presentation--Adapted for Digital Learning

2. Review the rubric criteria for this project.

The rubric is adapted from the College Board's Individual Multimedia Presentation criteria-- you still need to make an evidence-based argument, with a logical organization, that leads us, your viewers, step-by-step to your ultimate conclusion.

IMP Oral Defense Questions

3. Text me on Remind to get credit of today's class.

Answer these questions:

  1. What type of presentation will you do and why? How is doing it this way a good fit for your research?

  2. Answer one reflection question--your choice--from the "Reflection on Research Process" list. Your answer to this question will count as part of your overall assignment grade--see rubric. Make sure that your answer is thorough, with details supporting the claims you make.

  3. What questions do you have

Due date and submission

This project is due May 15th on our "last day of class." I recommend starting early so that work for this project does not interfere with any finals or AP exams you may take that week.

How to submit:

  • Video:

  • Podcast:

      • If you've created a Podcast with Anchor FM, email or text my the link to your published podcast.

  • Infographic/audio:

      • If working with Piktochart, click "make this link public," copy and paste the link and text or email it to me.

      • If recording audio to go with your chart, upload your audio file to G Suite, change the share settings to "anyone with a link can view" and share the file with me.