Grease February Parent Message

Hello fabulous Grease Parents and Caregivers!

We have all truly enjoyed working with your students already on this production!  Everyone is professional, enthusiastic, and TALENTED! The process has been such a joy!

I've been so impressed with their efforts to build real characters and connect positively as a cast!

The Greasers and Pink Ladies have such chemistry- they are immediately believable and entertaining!

Our Assistant Director and Stage Managers are doing a remarkable job- their commitment and throughful input is invaluable!

I'm so impressed by our tech crew!  Their creativity, brilliant contributions, hard work and sense of humor will make such an impact on our production!

Through dancing, singing, and blocking, everyone give their all! It's truly going to be a fabulous show!

Fundraising and Contribution Update

Friday, February 9th we launched our online fundraiser as promised during the parent meeting last year. As of writing this, we have raised over $2,500 for our show. Sincere thanks to all who have already joined in to support! 

If you missed the launch, click the link below to do your part!

All students are expected to participate in this necessary event for the good of the group. The money raised here can count toward the student's $150 ad/contribution fee for the show. 

HOWEVER, if parents are making the contribution themselves, please do so through MyPaymentsPlus, not the fundraiser (Link to MPP below). The fundraiser is for reaching out to extended family, friends, coworkers, and beyond. 

Every little bit helps! Once again, I appreciate your time and willingness to assist! 

Please help by posting the fundraiser on social media, sharing at work, etc!

Buy and Ad in the Program or pay your Contribution Fee below! (Due 2/20/24)

Payment Plans Available!- Simply contact Caroline Sandrew!

Help Wanted!

Many of you have so generously reached out to offer help with this production!  THANK YOU!!! I am so impressed by the work many of you did on Annie last year and look forward to collaborating with you! It takes a village to pull these things off and I appreciate your willingness to lend a hand!

Below are Sign Up Geniuses for Props and Costumes created by their respective student teams. 

Please take a look through them! If you have any of these things (or suggestions!) to loan, donate, or are willing to make thrift store runs for, please let me know!

Want to get your hands dirty??? 

Join us anytime for a Tech Call!

2/13 & 2/20 from 2:30-5:30  and 6:30-8:30 

2/21, 2/23, 2/28 , & 3/1 from 2:30-5:30

Saturday, 3/2 from 12:30-6:00

We are also looking for 


options!  Here is the car that is on the poster the cast & crew voted for, designed by Nora Branch! 

Anything similar would be great, but is not essential. I have produced the show with real cars in the past (with the batteries removed) if anyone happens to have access to a vintage vehicle. HOWEVER, building the front of the car or the whole car is also a excellent option!!! There have been a few of you who approached me offering to help- THANK YOU!! 

 Please let me know this week- I am happy to meet with you after rehearsal/tech one day to discuss. Thank you so much for your willingness and sharing your skills with us!! 

We are well on our way, and the show is coming soon!  Tickets will be available soon on GoFan! Get them early for $10.00 (remember making the show contribution means you are elligible for 2 free tickets)! T-Shirts are soon to be ordered and arriving for students to advertise their hard work and get them the great audiences they so deserve!

Please always feel free to reach out or stop by after rehearsals/tech calls! I cannot WAIT for you all to see what your students have already accomplished!


Caroline Sandrew

Director, SKG Theatre