教授: 塩野克宏  Prof. SHIONO, Katsuhiro

筑波大学地中海・北アフリカ研究センター客員共同研究員 (2011-現在)。日本育種学会、根研究学会、日本作物学会、日本植物生理学会、日本沙漠学会、International Society for Plant Low Oxygen Research (ISPLORE)  各会員。専門は植物生理学と植物分子遺伝学。


1979年      長野県に生まれる

2002年      東京理科大学 基礎工学部 生物工学科卒

2004年      筑波大学大学院 バイオシステム研究科 修士課程修了

2007年      筑波大学大学院 生命環境科学研究科 博士課程修了 博士(農学)取得

2007-2009年     東京大学大学院 農学生命科学研究科 学術研究支援員(研究)/ 特任研究員

2009-2011年     日本学術振興会 特別研究員(PD) 

          研究機関: 東京大学(2009-2010)

          ドイツ・ボン大学 (2010-2011, 日本学術振興会 優秀若手研究者海外派遣事業)

2011-2016年     福井県立大学 生物資源学部 生物資源学科 助教

2013-2015年    日本学術振興会 海外特別研究員(オーストラリア・西オーストラリア大学 客員研究員)兼務

2016-2019年    Adjunct Lecturer of School of Plant Biology, The University of Western Australia

2018年5月-12月 デンマーク・南デンマーク大学 Guest Researcher 兼務

2016-2023年    福井県立大学 生物資源学部 生物資源学科 准教授

2023-現在      福井県立大学 生物資源学部 生物資源学科 教授


3. 根研究学会学術奨励賞, 第47回根研究集会(2017.10)

2. 日本育種学会優秀発表賞, 第117回日本育種学会講演会 (2010.3)

1. Early career scientists Award, 9th conference of the International Society for Plant Anaerobiosis (2007.11)


研究内容へのリンク  |  Publicationへのリンク | 連絡先へのリンク

Topics | Cover arts プレスリリース

Shiono and Matsuura. (June 6, 2024, Vol. 133, Issue 7,6, Pages 931-940). The cover image shows an artificially induced apoplastic barrier at the hypodermis/exodermis in the outer part of roots (OPRs) of barley by applying abscisic acid (ABA). An apoplastic tracer (periodic acid), visualized as purple, was blocked at the outside of the hypodermis/exodermis under aerated conditions with ABA application. Most dryland crops, including barley, do not form a root apoplastic barrier in the OPRs. In this issue, Shiono and Matsuura demonstrate that apoplastic transport barriers in the OPRs can be induced in such crops by exogenous ABA applications.


塩野・平 (2020, Vol. 55, No. 2, Pages 84-91). ムラサキツユクサの葉におけるアブシシン酸の分布イメージ。乾燥ストレスによりアブシシン酸が気孔に蓄積することはよく知られた現象である。しかし、アブシシン酸分子そのものを、ラベル化や形質転換することなく、直接的に局在を同定することはできなかった。生体上の分子の局在を高空間分解能に検出できる「質量分析イメージング」はアブシシン酸を含む複数の植物ホルモンの同時イメージングを実現する手法として展開が期待される。

Shiono et al. (September 6, 2017, Vol. 65, Issue 35, Pages 7599-7826). An understanding of the dynamics of plant hormones is not only very interesting for fundamental science but also useful for agriculture and commerce. In this study, we revealed the detailed localization of cytokinin and abscisic acid in roots of Oryza sativa using mass spectrometry imaging. 


Shiono et al. (January 2011, Vol. 107, Issue 1, Pages 89–99). The inset cover image shows roots of rice with suberin lamellae visualized by fluorescence before (left) or after (right) forming a barrier to radial oxygen loss in response to non-aerated conditions. The formation of the barrier enhances internal O2 diffusion to the root apex, and its induction occurs before histochemically detectable changes in putative suberin and lignin deposits can be seen. See Shiono et al. (pp. 89-99).

Katsuhiro Shiono, Masato Ejiri, Yuto Sawazaki, Yuka Egishi, Tomonori Tsunoda. (Plant Physiology, In Press). Low nitrate concentrations, which occur after molecular oxygen is consumed in waterlogged soils, are an environmental trigger for forming the root barrier to radial oxygen loss in rice roots.


Katsuhiro Shiono, Akiko Koshide, Kazunari Iwasaki, Kazumasa Oguri, Takeshi Fukao, Morten Larsen, Ronnie N. Glud. (Frontiers in Plant Science, July 29, 2022 Volume 13, 946776). Imaging the snorkel effect during submerged germination in rice: Oxygen supply via the coleoptile triggers seminal root emergence underwater.


Katsuhiro Shiono, Marina Yoshikawa, Tino Kreszies, Sumiyo Yamada, Yuko Hojo, Takakazu Matsuura, Izumi Mori, Lukas Schreiber, Toshihito Yoshioka. (New Phytologist, 2022, 233(2), 655-669). Abscisic acid is required for exodermal suberization to form a barrier to radial oxygen loss in the adventitious. 



1. Waterlogging tolerance

2. Regulation of root aeration

3. Apoplastic barrier


Barrier to Radial Oxygen Loss (ROL), Aerenchyma, Waterlogging, Casparian strip, Suberin, Lignin, Oxygen sensor


Rice, Wild rice, Barley, Brachypodium distachyon


Cylindrical Pt electrode (Oxygen measurement)

Planar oxygen optode (Oxygen imaging)


2007.3 PhD in Agriculture. University of Tsukuba, Japan.

2004.3 Master of Biosystem. University of Tsukuba, Japan.

2002.3 BSc. Engineering. Tokyo University of Science, Japan.


Apr 2023 - present: Full Professor, Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Fukui Prefectural University

Apr 2016 - Mar 2023: Associate Professor, Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Fukui Prefectural University

May 2016 - May 2019: Adjunct Lecturer of School of Plant Biology, The University of Western Australia

May 2018 - Dec 2018: Guest Researcher with Prof. Ronnie N Glud, Department of Biology, University of Southern Denmark

Nov 2013 - Sep 2015: JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow for Research Abroad with Prof. T. Colmer, School of Plant Biology, The University of Western Australia

Jun 2011 - present: Guest Researcher, Alliance for Research on North Africa, University of Tsukuba

Apr 2011 - Mar 2016: Assistant Professor, Department of Bioscience, Fukui Prefectural University

May 2010 - Mar 2011: JSPS Research Fellow with Prof. Lukas Schreiber, University of Bonn. supported by the Excellent Young Researcher Overseas Visit Program.

Apr 2009 - Mar 2011: JSPS Research Fellow with Dr. Mikio Nakazono, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo

Apr 2007 - Mar 2009: Post-doc with Dr. Mikio Nakazono, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo


2017.10 The JSRR Young Investigator Award (47th JSRR Bi-annual Meeting)

2010.3 Outstanding Presentation Award (117th Meeting of the Japanese Society of Breeding)

2007.11 Early Career Scientists Award (9th ISPA Conference, Matsushima, Japan)


2022.1- 2023.12: Chief of Secretariat in Japanese Society for Root Research

2018.1 - 2021.12: Editors in Chief of Plant Root

2016 - present: Review Editor in Plant Abiotic Stress, part of the journal Frontiers in Plant Science

2014.1 - 2017.12: Managing Editor of Plant Root

2008.1 - 2017.12: Editor of Root Research (In Japanese)

2009 - present: Reviewer of manuscripts for a number of international plant science journals
