The More You Know

Bullying and Conflict

Friendship and Boundaries

Playful Touch vs Hurtful Touch

Funny Joking vs Mean Joking

BFFs vs Playing with No One else

Sharing a Proud Moment vs Bragging

Diversity and Inclusion

People are different in many ways, including race, ethnicity, age, disabilities, language, culture, appearance, or religion.  we should also make people.  We have to make people feel welcome, respected, and loved.  Inclusion is about honoring diversity, not ignoring it.  Empathy is being able to understand how someone else is feeling, even when you are not in the same situation.  Empathy is when you are able to "put yourself in someone's shoes" and see things from their point of view. 

Career and Future Exploration

Spartans will explore a variety of career paths, such as hands on careers, investigative careers, artistic careers, helping careers, enterprising careers, and organizational careers.  Spartans will be able to learn about different jobs and how those jobs match their interests, desired work environment, and strengths.  Early career planning helps with self discovery, purpose and passion, and helping kids make sense of the world around them.