Classroom Visits

Classroom Lessons/Visits

We will be visiting classrooms to do future planning lessons throughout the school year.  Stay tuned for what is coming up!

Missouri Connections Learning Styles Survey_Personality Assessment Reflection Worksheet - 6th grade.docx
Personality Assessment Results Summary (by animal).pdf
Five Minute Personality Test.pdf
Directions for Creating College_Career Exploration Folder in Google Drive.pdf

Fall Classroom Lessons/Visits

6th Grade

Focus:  During this lesson, Spartans were able to learn about their learning style and personality characteristics.


8th Grade

Focus:  During this lesson, Spartans were able to use the ICAP to create their four year plan.  They also created a SCOIR account.


-enter your student ID # (6-digit lunch number)

-8-digit birthday (MM/DD/YY)

-click on the blue verify button. 

Helpful Links:


SCOIR Login Page

FHSD High School Course Enrollment Guide

High School Course Cheat Sheet

Saeger ICAP Slides

Missouri Connections Career Cluster Inventory Reflection Worksheet- 6th grade

Spring Classroom Lessons/Visits

6th Grade

Focus:  During this lesson, Spartans were able to learn about the different career clusters and explore their interests.
