
Our People

RCAST "Happy-hour" events 

We hosted RCAST "Happy-hour" event on January 26th 2024! Approximately 70kg Oden (Japanese pot-au-feu) was cooked, and sold out in 40 mins. Here you see the days of madness.


So many ingredients, including 80 boiled eggs!


Boldness is crucial in cooking


Discussing the order of adding ingredients to the pot


Successfully adjusting the flame intensity


Serving two large pots of Oden to the BBQ venue


Dr. Tsuzuki and Mr. Iwata. Thank you all for your hard work!


Welcomed over 100 attendees


RCAST President, Prof. Sugiyama, also visited our establishment!


APISAT 2023 

We presented research papers at  an International conferences, Asia Pacific International Symposium in Aerospace Technology 2023 (APISAT 2023), held in Linghui, China on Oct. 16th-18th! 

2023年10月16日から18日にかけて中国 海南島で開催された国際会議 APISAT2023 で研究成果を発表しました!

Daiki IWATA - 岩田大輝さん(D2)

Takuya NISHIDA - 西田拓矢さん(M2)

Katsuhiro SEKINE - 関根將弘さん(D2)

Yuki NONAKA - 野中祐樹さん(M2)

Limited Relaunching of Tsuchiya-Itoh Laboratory

復刻版・土屋伊藤研究室 学生さんらと記念写真

Commemorative Photo with Relaxing Lab-mates of Itoh Laboratory.

プレゼン終了後、笑顔の伊藤研 記念写真!

Mr. Sekine Katsuhiro

関根 將弘さん

Message from Katsuhiro SEKINE - 関根 將弘

An interview article featuring Katsuhiro Sekine, a research exchange student in the Itoh Laboratory (2nd year doctoral student at Tokyo University of Science), has been covered in Tokyo University of Science's news letter. (Link: - Page 9) Here is a message from Mr. Sekine:

Sekine: As a research exchange student, I visit the Itoh Laboratory two to three times a week. The Itoh Laboratory is filled with exceptionally talented and kind individuals, making research an enjoyable experience. I come from an information engineering background, while my lab mates have backgrounds in aerospace engineering and physics, creating a rich interdisciplinary environment for our research. Moreover, the lab actively promotes international collaborations, making it a globally diverse research space. Thank you for your ongoing support.

伊藤研究室の研究交流生である関根將弘さん(東京理科大学 博士課程2年)のインタービュー記事が、東京理科大学の学報に取り上げられました。( 9ページ)以下、関根さんからメッセージを頂きました。


Professor Itoh (left), Mr. Yuki Nonaka (center), Mr. Daiki Iwata (right)


Yuki Nonaka, a second-year of master student at Itoh laboratory, co-authored a paper titled "Verification of fuel efficiency using the A320neo simulator by combining fixed-flight path angle descent and speed control to Kansai International Airport" received JTTRI Best Paper award at an international conference ATRS 2023.  The paper was presented by Daiki Iwata, a second year of phD student, and co-authored by professor Eri Itoh. On July 11th 2023, we interviewed Mr. Yuki Nonaka about his award.   Links: RCAST and School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo

伊藤研究室 修士課程2年 野中裕樹さんの共著論文 "Verification of fuel efficiency using the A320neo simulator by combining fixed-flight path angle descent and speed control to Kansai International Airport"(発表者:岩田大輝、責任著者:伊藤恵理)が、国際会議ATRSにおいて最優秀論文賞であるJTTRI Best Paper Awardを受賞しました。2023年7月11日、航空宇宙モビリティラボ(東京大学 駒場IIキャンパス 先端科学技術研究センター)にて、野中さんに受賞インタビューをしました! 関連リンク: 東京大学 先端科学技術研究センター  、東京大学 工学系研究科 航空宇宙工学専攻


BBQ at Nakano Central Park

On June 29, 2023, we had our annual BBQ party at Nakano Central Park!


Good times with our German guests !


Labmates was manning the grill


In addition to Prof. Michael and Florian, who participated in the workshop the previous day, Niklas from DLR Tokyo office  also joined us.

前日のワークショップに参加してくれたマイケル先生、フローリアンさんのほか、ドイツ大使館関係者(DLR 東京オフィス)のニコラスさんも駆けつけてくれました

Mr. Taguchi was cooking at the BBQ grill.
