Aerospace Mobility Lab

The University of Tokyo

Our mission is...

  "Exploring Aerospace Mobility in the World as a Laboratory"


International Workshop

On March 29th 2024,  We hosted The U.S. - Japan International Workshop titled "Towards Sustainable Air Transportation". We had the honor of inviting Professor R. John Hansman from MIT and Professor Max Li from The University of Michigan.

MIT John Hansman 教授、ミシガン大学 Max Li 助教を招いた国際ワークショップ "Towards Sustainable Air Transportation" を主催しました。産学官から多くの方々にご参加頂き、ありがとうございました!


Keynote talk by  Prof. John Hansman

Hansman 先生 の基調講演

Prof. Li, Prof. Hansman, Prof. Itoh

Li先生、Hansman 先生、伊藤先生


Second generation students of Itoh laboratory graduated from the graduate school. Wishing them great success in their work, and lots of joy and good health in their private lives. Photo at Hongo campas, 21st, March, 2024.





On February 1st in 2024, Dr. Koji Tominaga assumed the position of assistant professor. Prof. Tominaga has a research background in various fields such as environmental modeling, climate change, and air traffic management, with a focus on rich international and interdisciplinary perspectives. Until January 2024, he led R&D projects on the design and evaluation of air traffic management systems in the ASEAN region at the Air Traffic Management Research Institute (ATMRI) at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. Profile has been updated. 

2024年2月1日、富永浩至先生が助教授に着任しました。富永先生は、豊かな国際性と学際性を背景に、環境モデリング、気候変動、航空交通管理など、様々な分野で研究実績があります。2024年1月まで、シンガポールにある南洋理工大学 航空交通管理研究所(ATMRI: Air Traffic Management Research Institute)で、ASEAN地域の航空交通管理システムを刷新する研究開発プロジェクトをリードされました。伊藤研では、新しい航空交通管理の方法論に基づく空域容量の増強に関する研究を進めて頂きます。Profile を更新しました!

Assistant Professor Dr. Koji Tominaga

伊藤研に着任した富永浩至 助教


On January 26th in 2024, Aerospace Mobility Lab hosted "Happy-hour" event at RCAST, the University of Tokyo. More photos are updated in Gallery.

2024年1月26日、先端研ハッピーアワーで大鍋おでんを振舞いました。Gallery を更新!

Flyer  created by Mr. Takuya Nishida

伊藤研 西田さん作成のフライヤー

Itoh Lab's Mr. Takuya Nishida (left), who took charge of the student affairs, and fellow classmate Mr. Yuki Nonaka (right).

ハッピーアワー 学生幹事を担当してくれた伊藤研 西田さん(左)と、同級生の野中さん(右)

International Cooperation

On January 17th, Prof. Eri Itoh provided an online talk at Boeing company titled "What a Japanese Female Leader Has Learned". This lecture aimed to encourage the establishment of a social environment where women taking leadership roles is promoted not only for women but also for men.

2024年1月17日、伊藤教授が、欧米・ブラジルのBoeing社に向けて「What a Japanese Female Leader Has Learned (日本の女性リーダーが学んだこと)」と題したオンライントークを行いました。この講演は、Boeing社から依頼を受け、Boeing Women Inspiring Leadership  (BWIL) - Laten America が主催したもので、女性だけでなく男性にも、女性がリーダーシップをとる社会環境の構築を促しました。

Towards the prevention of aircraft accidents 


※ English follows later

2024年1月2日、東京国際空港(羽田空港)で発生した日本航空 A350型機と海上保安庁DH8C型機の衝突事故により、亡くなられた海上保安庁職員の方々とそのご家族に謹んで哀悼の意を表すと共に、負傷された方々の早期回復をお祈りいたします。また、航空機事故の当事者である皆様、事故後も絶え間なく業務を継続する航空関係者の皆様のご心中は察するに余りあります。










東京大学 先端科学技術研究センター

教授・伊藤 恵理


On January 2, 2024, due to the collision accident between a Japan Airlines A350 aircraft and a Japan Coast Guard DH8C aircraft at Tokyo International Airport (Haneda Airport), we express our deepest condolences to the Japan Coast Guard officials who lost their lives in the incident and to their families. Our thoughts are with the injured for their swift recovery. Furthermore, we understand the immense emotional impact on all those involved in the aviation accident and the continuous efforts of aviation professionals to persist in their duties despite the aftermath of the accident.

Professor Eri Itoh was interviewed by Nikkei newspaper representative regarding constructive suggestions aimed at preventing future aircraft accidents. Below is the original comment she provided for the interview:


Aviation accidents usually result from a chain of rare events. To prevent accidents like the recent one from recurring, it is essential to thoroughly investigate and analyze the circumstances leading to the accident. This process should inform legislative improvements and the adoption of new technologies.

Firstly, the elucidation of the sequence of events leading to aviation accidents requires awaiting accident reports from the Japan Transport Safety Board. Only through a fair determination of causes can lessons be learned from accidents, facilitating the creation of preventive measures.

To achieve this, Japan's laws should avoid assigning blame for aviation accidents to specific individuals or organizations. Air traffic is managed by complex systems composed of machinery, computers (software), and multiple human entities (organizations). Despite considerable efforts, complete elimination of mechanical malfunctions and human errors is unattainable. Therefore, designing and operating the air traffic system to prevent such malfunctions and errors from leading to aviation accidents is imperative. Pursuing culprits in the aviation system, given its nature, is not only impractical but also impedes efforts for recurrence prevention.

To safely manage future air traffic, new technologies supporting air traffic controllers and pilots are indispensable. For instance, research and development are underway for automated systems utilizing communication, navigation, and surveillance infrastructure to share flight information of all aircraft departing and landing at airports, ensuring safe distances between aircraft.

The underlying philosophy of such automation systems is to ensure safe air traffic management without the direct intervention or awareness of air traffic controllers and pilots. For instance, automation systems could control the entry time of departing aircraft onto runways while autonomously monitoring them or adjust landing times by gradually decreasing the speed of arriving aircraft. Additionally, systems that share necessary information for air traffic control via data links rather than voice communication between controllers and pilots are being considered for the future.

However, implementing new equipment on aircraft involves significant costs, necessitating economic feasibility and support for widespread adoption. Challenges also arise in managing the coexistence of old and new onboard equipment in aviation operations. To address these challenges, The aviation stakeholders in Japan must actively engage in promoting research and development of air traffic management systems through international collaboration among academia, industry, and government. Japan should also take proactive steps towards establishing international standards for their safe implementation.

Professor Eri Itoh, The University of Tokyo, January 4th, 2024.



On December 1st, Prof. Itoh will give an invited talk and panel discussion online.  Don't miss it!

伊藤教授が、12月1日(金)オンライン開催のシンポジウムで、講演とパネルディスカッションに登壇します。コーディネータは教育系YouTuberの ヨビノリたくみさんです。ぜひご参加ください。

第3回 「富岳百景」シンポジウム 特設サイトWebsite


Prof. Itoh will deliver a special talk entitled "Engineering Sustainable Air Travel - Transitioning from Aviation Transport and Air Traffic Management to "Aerospace Mobility"" on November 25th in Osaka.  Don't miss it!


演題:「持続可能な空の旅を工学する - 航空輸送、航空交通管理から「航空宇宙モビリティ」へ-」

■ 日本航空宇宙学会 特設サイト(Website)

International Conference

Our lab-mates presented research papers at  an International conference, Asia Pacific International Symposium in Aerospace Technology 2023 (APISAT 2023), held in Linghui, China on Oct. 16th-18th! Publication were updated, and more photos are in Gallery

2023年10月16日から18日にかけて、中国 海南島で開催された国際会議 APISAT2023 (Asia Pacific International Symposium in Aerospace Technology 2023)で研究成果を発表しました!貴重な経験を積み、全員が無事に帰国しました。 PublicationGallery を更新。

A commemorative photo with lab-mates.

伊藤研 参加メンバーの記念写真

From left to right, Mr. Ahmad Sufian Bin Jumad from Nanyang Technological University's ATMRI (Air Traffic Management Research Institute) and Professor Eri Itoh, at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC).

左から、南洋理工大学 ATMRI の Sufian さんと伊藤恵理教授


At the 42nd AIAA/IEEE Digital Aviation Systems Conference (DASC), held from October 1st to 5th, 2023, a presentation paper summarizing collaborative research with a research team of Nanyang Technological University and Prof. Eri Itoh was awarded the Best of Session Air Traffic Control Human Factors Award. The award-winning paper, titled "Flow-Centric Air Traffic Control: Human in the Loop Simulation Experiment," was authored by Ahmad Sufian Bin Jumad, Koji Tominaga, Xin Yi Chua, Eri Itoh, Michael Schultz, and Vu Nguyen Duong. Congratulations! Links: RCAST and School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo

2023年10月1日から5日に開催された国際学会 The 42nd AIAA/IEEE Digital Aviation Systems Conference (DASC) において、伊藤教授と南洋理工大学(シンガポール)の研究チームとの共同研究をまとめた発表論文が、Best of Session Air Traffic Control Human Factors Award を受賞しました。受賞論文は、Ahmad Sufian Bin Jumad, Koji Tominaga, Xin Yi Chua, Michael Schultz, Vu Nguyen Duongと共著で、"Flow-Centric Air Traffic Control: Human in the Loop Simulation Experiment"です。おめでとうございます! 

関連リンク: 東京大学 先端科学技術研究センター  、東京大学 工学系研究科 航空宇宙工学専攻


Project kick-off

 A research proposal entitled "Pioneering Quantum Fluid Simulation Technology for Practical Applications" has been accepted by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) as a new research proposal in the research area of "New Fluid Science for Understanding, Prediction and Control of Complex Flow and Transport Phenomena" in the fiscal year 2023 under the "PRESTO Program for Strategic Basic Research." We will accelerate our research activities to create new fluid science for next-generation aerospace mobility.

 国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構 (JST)の 2023年度「戦略的創造研究推進事業(さきがけ)」研究領域「複雑な流動・輸送現象の解明・予測・制御に向けた新しい流体科学 」に応募した研究提案「実用のための量子流体シミュレーション技術の開拓」が新規研究課題として採択されました。次世代航空宇宙モビリティのための新しい流体科学の創出に向けて、研究活動を加速させます。

(さきがけ HP)


Dr. Tsuzuki will deliver a lecture entitled "Toward the Creation of a New Fluid Science for the Next Generation of Aerospace Mobility" on December 1 at the College of Art and Sciences, The University of Tokyo.  Don't miss it!



■ 特別講座のページとフライヤー(Website and Flyer)


An interview article featuring Katsuhiro Sekine, a research exchange student in the Itoh Laboratory (2nd year doctoral student in the Graduate School of Engineering at Tokyo University of Science), has been published in a school newsletter of Tokyo University of Science. Since 2020, Mr. Sekine has been involved in a research project of air traffic management, which Professor Itoh serves as the principal investigator (PI). We have updated his message in the Gallery. Links: Page 9

伊藤研究室の研究交流生である関根將弘さん(東京理科大学 工学系研究科 博士課程2年)のインタビュー記事が、東京理科大学の学報に取り上げられました。関根さんは、2020年から、伊藤教授がPIを務める航空交通管理の研究プロジェクトに参加しています。関根さんからのメッセージをGalleryに更新しました!関連リンク: 9ページ

Yuki Nonaka, a second-year of master student at Itoh laboratory, co-authored a paper titled "Verification of fuel efficiency using the A320neo simulator by combining fixed-flight path angle descent and speed control to Kansai International Airport" , which received JTTRI Best Paper Award at an international conference ATRS 2023 (Presented by Daiki Iwata, Co-authored by Eri Itoh).  On July 11th 2023, we interviewed Mr. Yuki Nonaka about his award.

Links: RCAST and School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo

伊藤研究室 修士課程2年 野中裕樹さんの共著論文 "Verification of fuel efficiency using the A320neo simulator by combining fixed-flight path angle descent and speed control to Kansai International Airport"(発表者:岩田大輝、責任著者:伊藤恵理)が、国際会議ATRSにおいて最優秀論文賞であるJTTRI Best Paper Awardを受賞しました。2023年7月11日 航空宇宙モビリティラボにて、野中さんに受賞インタビューをしました!

関連リンク: 東京大学 先端科学技術研究センター  、東京大学 工学系研究科 航空宇宙工学専攻

Project kick-off

Today on July 10th 2023, we had a kick-off meeting with Prof. Junzi Sun and Ms Esther Roosenbrand (PhD candidate) at Delft University of Technology for our collaborative research project on the aviation weather. The Aerospace Mobility Lab will continue to accelerate interdisciplinary international research projects.


International Cooperation

Our Collaborator, Dr. Koji Tominaga at ATMRI, Nanyang Technological University,  visited Aerospace Mobility Lab for discussing our collaborative research project on the ASEAN air traffic management. We had very fruitful discussion toward our joint publication and future study. 

共同研究者の富永浩至さん(シンガポール 南洋理工大学 ATMRI)が、ASEAN地域における航空交通管理の国際共同研究プロジェクトについて議論するため、航空宇宙モビリティラボを訪問されました。これからの研究内容や、共著論文の出版に向けて、実り多い議論ができました。

2023年7月7日 航空宇宙モビリティラボにて

Prof. Itoh, Dr. Tominaga, Mr. Sekine, Dr. Tsuzuki from the left


We had active discussion all over the day


From left to right, Mr. Daiki Iwata, Professor Eri Itoh, and JTTRI Chairman Mr. Masafumi Shukuri .

左から、岩田大輝さん、伊藤恵理教授、運輸総合研究所 宿利正史会長


At the 26th ATRS World Conference held from July 1st to 4th, 2023, Mr. Daiki Iwata, a second-year doctoral student in the Itoh Laboratory, received the JTTRI Best Paper Award for his presentation paper. The paper, titled "Verification of fuel efficiency using the A320neo simulator by combining fixed-flight path angle descent and speed control to Kansai International Airport," was co-authored by Mr. Yuki Nonaka, a second-year master's student in the same laboratory, and Professor Eri Itoh. Congratulations!  Links: RCAST and School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo

2023年7月1日から4日に開催された26th ATRS World Conference において、伊藤研究室 博士課程2年 岩田大輝さんの発表論文が JTTRI Best Paper Awardを受賞しました。受賞論文は、同研究室 修士課程2年 野中裕樹さん、伊藤恵理教授と共著で、"Verification of fuel efficiency using the A320neo simulator by combining fixed-flight path angle descent and speed control to Kansai International Airport"です。おめでとうございます!関連リンク: 東京大学 先端科学技術研究センター  、東京大学 工学系研究科 航空宇宙工学専攻


Today's Lab activity

On June 29, 2023, we had our annual BBQ party at Nakano Central Park! More photos are in Gallery

2023年6月29日、中野セントラルパークで研究室恒例のBBQパーティーを開催しました!Gallery を更新。

International Workshop

On June 28th 2023,  We hosted the world's first international workshop titled "International Workshop on Pedestrian Crowds, Advanced Logistics, and Aerospace Mobility". We had the honor of inviting Professor Michael Schultz from University of the Bundeswehr Munich in Germany, and welcomed presentations from Professor Nishinari, Dr. Ezaki, and Dr. Cui, who are experts in the fields of crowds and advanced logistics. The Aerospace Mobility Lab will continue to accelerate interdisciplinary international research projects.

群衆・先端物流・航空宇宙モビリティの3つの研究分野を網羅する、世界初の国際ワークショップ "International Workshop on Pedestrian Crowed, Advanced Logistics, and Aerospace Mobility" を主催しました。ドイツからマイケル・シュルツ先生(University of the Bundeswehr Munich)をお招きし、群衆・先端物流の研究分野からは西成先生、江崎先生、崔先生にご講演頂きました。航空宇宙モビリティラボは、これからも学際的な国際共同研究プロジェクトを加速させます。

2023年6月28日東京大学 先端科学技術研究センター(駒場)にて

Social Cooperation

Our colleagues at NTT data company visited Aerospace Mobility Lab on June 20th 2023. We had fruitful discussion on our collaborative study.  Labmates demonstrated Human-In-The-Loop (HITL) simulation.

NTT data の皆さんが、ラボ見学にお越しくださいました。連携して進めている航空交通管理システムの実装に向け、実り多い議論ができました。研究室メンバーは、レーダー管制を模擬したヒューマンインザループシミュレーションデモを披露しました。

2023年6月20日 航空宇宙モビリティラボにて

HITL simulation demonstration (ATCo in front) 

HITL シミュレーションデモの様子。NTT dataの皆さんが見守るなか、パイロット番長の船場さんも腕前を奮います。

HITL simulation demonstration (Pilots in front

HITLシミュレーションデモを熱心に見学くださったNTT dataの皆さん。本日はご足労頂き、ありがとうございました!

Today's Lab activity

Labmates are practicing hard for Human-In-The-Loop (HITL) simulation experiments, which evaluates  our proposing operation and automation support tool for air traffic controllers, on June 19th 2023.


2023年6月19日 航空宇宙モビリティラボにて

Pilot training in front


Air Traffic Controller in front


Social Cooperation

Our laboratory members visited the Maritime Self-Defense Force's destroyer, the Izumo, on May 25th in 2023. We had valuable discussion on the future air traffic control. Special thanks goes to Tomizawa-san and Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force for the kind invitation and their hospitality. 



Project kick-off

Our collaborative research project titled "Exploring Next Generation Aerospace Mobility and its Extension to Social System via Supercomputer Fugaku" is officially accepted to go! Today on April 6th 2023, we had a kick-off meeting with Prof. Tatsukawa at Tokyo University of Science and Prof. Kawagoe at Tohoku University. 

 スーパーコンピューター「富岳」成果創出加速プログラム に応募した私たちの研究課題である      "「富岳」が拓く次世代航空宇宙モビリティとその社会システムへの展開 " が採択されました。本日(2023年4月6日)、東京理科大学の立川先生、東北大学の川越先生と一緒に、プロジェクトをキックオフしました。成果創出に向けて、共同研究を加速させます。


Dr. Tsuzuki's paper titled "Numerical model of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation for rotation Bose-Einstein condensates using smoothed-particle hydrodynamics" is selected as Featured Article (Journal's Best) in Physics of Fluids, Apr. 2023. 

Full paper download:

都築先生が執筆された学術論文 "Numerical model of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation for rotation Bose-Einstein condensates using smoothed-particle hydrodynamics" が 2023年4月刊行の Physics of Fluids 誌に掲載され、本誌において最も注目すべき研究成果を創出した論文(Featured Article)として、国際的に高い評価を受けました。



First generation students of Itoh laboratory graduated from the graduate school.Wishing them great success in their work, and lots of joy and good health in their private lives. Photo at Hongo campas, 23rd, March, 2023.




Spring Greetings!

We hope Spring in 2023 will be yet another great season of you.

From April in 2023, we'll officially start a new lab at The University of Tokyo. The mission of the lab is to explore future mobility in Aerospace, including Air Transport and Air Traffic Management systems, and even their expansion into the space, also into the human society .  

We named our laboratory Aerospace Mobility Lab

Eri Itoh and Satori Tsuzuki, 16th March, 2023


さて、2023年度より、私たちは東京大学 先端科学技術研究センターに新しい研究分野として「航空宇宙モビリティ」を立ち上げます。新研究室は、航空輸送、航空交通管理システムを起点に、航空宇宙分野における新しいモビリティシステムの開拓とその社会システムへの展開を目標にしています。

2023年3月16吉祥寺にて 伊藤 恵理、都築 怜理 

Aerospace Mobility Lab

Professor Eri Itoh 

Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo

Department of Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo

Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo

伊藤 恵理 教授

東京大学 先端科学技術研究センター 航空宇宙モビリティ分野

東京大学 大学院工学系研究科 先端学際工学専攻

東京大学 大学院工学系研究科 航空宇宙工学専攻

※ 伊藤研究室は、上記3つの組織に所属しています

伊藤恵理 - 安全な空のために (Audio:EN, Subs:EN|JP) 

The University of Tokyo/東京大学 YouTube Channel

 More about us  (Dec.2022 - Mar. 2023)

New edition

Instructional textbook for Air Traffic Management Systems




Press release

FPA 降下による環境負荷低減とその高い実用性を 定期航空便において世界で初めて実証

Press release

World’s first: Fixed-flight Path Angle Descents were successfully conducted during a series of regularly scheduled commercial flights.

Project kick-off 

Dr. Koji Tominaga, Prof. Eri Itoh, and Prof. Michael Schultz at Nanyang Technological University, Dec. 2022