Proposal Application Guide

We will explain how to create a proposal of the general user program (GUP) using the GUP support system, NSL RING.

Basic Specification

Entry field

0. If you are applying for the first time or do not have an account,

First, create an account.  If you already have an account, please proceed to "1. When you start application".


        e-mail :     nsl-appl [at]

1. When you start application

Proposal Submission Form (New)

Even if you have already submitted or are editing a proposal application form and would like to apply for another proposal,  create your application form from  [New].

Notes on applying for proposals are shown here, so be sure to read through it!  If you agree with the content, please click below.

   「□  I hereby agree to the above before editing new proposal.

When you edit an application form being prepared

To resume editing the proposal, at [Top] page, click [Go to Proposal list].

2. How to Fill in Proposal Application Form

(Page1) Main Information

Main Information

Principal Investigator (PI; About YOU)

Your personal information is automatically filled in.  If your change it, access to [Personal]> [Modification].

If the applicant is a graduate student (only doctoral course equivalent)

Download the Academic Supervisor Approval and fill in the necessary information first. Then, please send an email from your academic advisor to the users office.

Input your academic advisor in "Research Collaborator 1" below.

e-mail :  nsl-appl [at]

Japanese Contact Person

At the experiment in JRR-3, more than one Japanese research collaborator must be included. (Here, "Japanese" includes foreigners who live in Japan and understand Japanese language.)

Choose the Japanese contact person among the Japanese collaborator(s). The contact person must always attend the experiment. We recommend you to choose the instrument leader or manager as the contact person after getting his/her agreement. Of course, the collaborator, who can speak Japanese and understand well the instrument to be used and the GUP procedures, is also possible.

All the notices with respect to the procedures before visiting are emailed to both you and the contact person. 

Note that the contact person must serve not only for PI but also for all collaborator(s) coming from outside of Japan.

Research Collaborator

Inconvenient season or dates 

For the next beamtime year (between next Apr. and the year after next Mar.), indicate the unavailable days to perform the experiment, or your especially-desired days. 


Message or requests for the instrument managers and the referees.  

(Page2) Instrument Sample Environment


(Page3) Bringing-in device

If you plan to bring in the device(s) provided by yourself or your collaborator from OUTSIDE OF JRR-3 (including J-PARC), answer its name, specifications, cautions on use and safety measures.

Bringing-in device

If you select "yes", the write-in column of the first device will be shown.

Bringing-in device

For the bringing in two equipment, ore more.

Click [+Bringing-in device n Add]. Another set of the textboxes is displayed.  Up to 10 devices can be applied.

(Page4) Sample

This information is required to enter it in SDSYS, so please answer an fill in it accurately. You can apply for up to 10 items.


Safety information

Provide answers regarding chemical safety and radiation safety below. Based on this information, the facility will conduct Risk Assessments and let you know the results.

Even if it has no risk under normal conditions, such as room temperature, ambient pressure and zero magnetic field, if the answer can be "Yes" depending on the change of physical and chemical properties under the planned experimental conditions, please indicate 'Yes'.

Sample handling instructions

Make sure to provide detailed instructions on how to fix the sample and describe the type of sample container to be used. If you do not use any sample containers, explain how to prevent the sample from scattering or leaking. If there are any other specific handling instructions that require attention, clearly state them. Note that the facility may request you to provide further clarification on the sample handling instructions.

Notes when filling in the form

If you want to use samples you have applied for adopted proposals of the past, or if you want to apply samples as new ones based on the information applied before, please proceed the following procedure.

① Click the box at the right of "Your samples", then samples you have applied before will be displayed in a pull-down list.  Select the applicable one.

② Make sure that the information from Sample ID to Mass is automatically filled in.

③ If you want to use a sample again, select "Update Sample." If you want to apply a sample as a new one, correct the information indicated by ②, then select "Save as New Sample"

(Page5) Related proposal

Relating proposals for recent 3 years

If there are relating proposals for recent 3 years, please fill them in up to 3 proposals.

Your recent paper publications 

Describe up to five (5) publications, titles, name of journal, volumes, the year of published papers, page numbers of recent published papers by the principal investigator and collaborators.

(Page6) Research Plan

*Summary of the Research Plan

Describe the summary of the research plan within 50 words.

*Upload of the Research Plan 

3. Applying Proposals

Please be sure to check carefully that there is nothing wrong with the contents of your application before you submit it. You can view the application form in the form in which it will be submitted by clicking  [PDF] button .

Please note that applications that are being edited will not be considered submitted and will not be reviewed even after the deadline has passed

After the deadline

Contact about application

Address 106-1, Shirakata, Tokai, Naka, Ibaraki 319-1106, Japan

     Neutron Science Laboratory Office, The Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo 

TEL +81 29-282-5782

e-mail nsl-appl [at]

For the first use of instrument, we highly recommend you to consult with instrument manger before creating your application.

The list of university-owned instruments ln JRR-3 and the instrument leaders. 

The list of instruments managed by JAEA (JRR-3 User’s Office Homepage)