Call for Proposals

The proposal call for General User Program (GUP) closed on Thursday, December 7, 2023.

Thank you for many applications.

The proposal call for General User Program (GUP) operated by Neutron Science Laboratory, Institute for Solid State Physics, the University of Tokyo will be held during the following period. We are looking forward to receiving many applications.

Wednesday, November 1, 2023 - Thursday, November 30, 2023 Thursday, December 7, 2023 (Japan time)

                                                 The deadline has been extended.   Updated on November 30, 2023

How you apply・・・

Research proposals are applied via the dedicated web system for proposal application, NSL RING (NSL Research Information NaviGator).

For the operating environment, we have confirmed the smooth operation with Microsoft Edge (Win) and Google Chrome (Win/Mac).

If you do not have your account of NSL RING, please create an account first. (It takes about 5 minutes.) 

Who can apply・・・

     Academic Supervisor Approval

     e-mail : nsl-appl [at]

Details of Application Method

Please read the below carefully and carry out the application procedure without any deficiencies.

How to use NSL RING (Notes on filling in)

How to write up research plan

Research plans are uploaded in NSL RING.

Proposal Review Process

Submitted research proposals will be reviewed by two processes. One is "academic evaluation" by a committee member in charge of each research field and two external reviewers, the other is "technical review" by IRT. Then, each proposal was finally reviewed by the Neutron Scattering Program Advisory Committees (NSPAC) to determine the acceptance or rejection of the proposal including the number of days of the experiment.  The results will be notified to the principal investigators around mid-March.

Activity Report and Publication

This work was carried out by the JRR-3 general user program managed by the Institute for Solid State Physics, the University of Tokyo (Proposal Nos. ********, ********). 

Demonstrating the results of GUP is extremely important for future operations of JRR-3 and GUP.  We appreciate your cooperation.

Type of Instruments (Type-A,  B)

12 instruments belonging to universities at JRR-3 are classified into one of the following two types.

The list of university-owned instruments in JRR-3 and the instrument leaders. 

Instrument Groups at Proposal Application

For the list of instruments, please refer to "(Page2) Instrument Sample Environment" in "2. How to Fill in Proposal Application Form" in Proposal Application Guide.  6 Triple-axis spectrometers (3 reactor hall, 5 thermal guide, 1 cold guide) are available in GUP. Only for the proposals using triple-axis spectrometers, 3 spectrometers can be selected in rank order.

Bringing-in Sample and Device

The handling instructions and safety precautions for the samples and bringing-in devices (if any) are required to be answered or described in proposals. We appreciate your cooperation.

The details of application fields and the method of answer and description are provided in the manual for proposal application. Please be sure to read it carefully.

Security Export Control 

Researchers from foreign institutions are required by law to undergo security export control review before their experiments in Japan. Your application will be reviewed by the Export Control Office of the University of Tokyo. Please note that if your application does not pass the screening, you will not be able to conduct the experiment. 

Letter of Acceptance Should be Submitted

All of the principal investigators and research collaborators are required to submit a Letter of acceptance before their experiments. Please note that even if you do not come to JRR-3 for your experiment, you have to submit a Letter of acceptance to register your name as a research collaborator. For details, please refer to "Instruction for Visits" page.

Mail-in Service for HERMES(T1-3)

Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University, offers Mail-in Service for the powder diffractometer T1-3 HERMES.  This is only for HERMES.

In the Mail-in Service, the proposers send measurement samples to us, and the instrument staff will perform the experiment upon your request and provide experimental data to the proposers via email.

The number of acceptance of the proposals eligible for the Mail-in Service is limited since we are rather short-handed.

If you wish to use the Mail-in Service, please make sure to consult with the instrument staff prior to submitting your proposals.

When preparing proposals, please write "Request for Mail-in Service at HERMES" in the "Additional notes for using this instrument" field on the "Instrument Sample Environment" page of the proposal application form. 

For SANS-U (C1-2) 

For a complementary use of neutron scattering and X-ray scattering, we have small-angle X-ray scattering instrument SAXS-U (Aanton Paar, SAXS Point 2.0). If you want to use SAXS-U as well as SANS-U, please describe that in your proposal for SANS-U. Please contact the instrument leader of SANS-U if you are interested in using SAXS-U

For iNSE(C2-3-1)

Please consult with the instrument leader in advance regarding the available range of momentum transfer Q and Fourier time. 

Additional Notice

Reserved Proposals

If machine time becomes available due to cancellation of other experiments etc., reserved proposals are possibly performed in consultation with the instrument leaders.


Urgent Proposals

Research proposals are accepted once per year in principle.  However, when there is a particularly urgent proposal, it can be submitted as needed. 

Please contact the below.

e-mail :   nsl-appl [at]


Address 106-1 Shirakata, Tokai, Naka, Ibaraki 319-1106, Japan  

      Neutron Science Laboratory Office, 

     The Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo 

TEL         +81 29-282-5782

e-mail         nsl-appl [at]