Sample Environments

List of sample environment instruments (SE) is shown below.

Please check the specification when applying the proposal as well as registering the experiment.

Please contact technical staff members if you have any questions.


Low Temperature (~1K)


Temperature range: 7 K – 300 K. 

Number of the instruments: 1 per each spectrometer. 

GM refrigerator (4K refrigerator)

Temperature range: 4 K – 300 K. 

Number of the instruments: 3.

Small GM refrigerator

Temperature range: 4 K – 300 K. 

Number of the instruments: 1 each for GPTAS, PONTA, HQR, and HER.

Orange Cryostat

Temperature range: 1.5 K – Room temperature. 

Number of the instruments: 6. 

Liquid helium consumption: 15 L for initial transfer, 5 L/day for daily transfer. 

3He refrigerator 

(Liquid He free, Continuous control, 0.7K)

Temperature range: 0.7 K – 100 K. 

Number of the instruments: 1 each for guide hall and reactor hall.

Manufacturer: Taiyo Nippon Sanso Corporation

3He refrigerator

(Liquid He free, Sorption pumped type, 0.3 K)

Temperature range: 0.3 K – 100 K. 

Number of the instruments: 1.

Manufacturer: Niki-Glass Co.,Ltd.,

Below 3K, the sample temperature is controlled by the control of the sorb temperature. The sample temperature - sorb temperature diagram is here.

Dillution refrigerator without magnet 

Temperature range: 0.06 K –

Number of the instruments: 1. 

Liquid helium consumption: 50 L for initial transfer, 10 L/day for daily transfer. 

Dillution refrigerator with magnet 

Temperature range: 0.06 K –

Magnetic field: 0 T – 5 T 

Number of the instruments: 1. 

Liquid helium consumption: 100 L for initial transfer, 20 L/day for daily transfer. 

High Temperature


Temperature range: 300 K – 1100 K

Number of the instruments: 1. 

Note: Please contact technical staff if you wish to use the furnace. Nobody has used it since 2010. 

CTI for High-temperature 

Temperature range: 15 K – 700 K

Number of the instruments: 1 each for guide hall and reactor hall. 

Low and High Temperatures

Top-loading refrigerator for AGNES

Temperature range: 3 K – 800 K

Number of the instruments: 1.

Manufacturer: Jecc Torisha Co., Ltd.

Magnetic Field

Dice-shaped normal-conducting magnet

Brand new since May 2023! The orientation of the magnetic field can be adjusted to be either vertical or horizontal by changing how the magnet is installed. Contact our technical staff. 

Temperature range: 4 K –300 K.

Magnetic field: 0 T – 1.1 T.

Number of the instruments: 1.  

Drawing, indicated how to mount the sample container

Transverse field superconducting magnet

Temperature range: 2 K – 300 K

Magnetic field: 0 T – 6 T.

Number of the instruments: 1.  

Liquid helium consumption: 150 L for initial transfer, 30 L/day for daily transfer.

Vertical field superconducting magnet

Temperature range: 2 K – 300 K

Magnetic field: 0 T – 6 T.

Number of the instruments: 1.  

Liquid helium consumption: 150 L for initial transfer, 20 L/day for daily transfer.

Summary of the sample position in this magnet and exclusive sample container.

High Pressure

Piston-Cylinder type High-pressure Cell

Information on high-pressure cell which has been used at HER at JRR-3 and HRC at J-PARC is open here. Maximum pressure is 1.2 GPa. Please prepare the cell by yourself. A hydraulic press is provided in guide hall and reactor hall.