
An overview of PONTA

PONTA is a triple-axis neutron spectrometer to study crystal and magnetic structures and their dynamics, namely phonons and magnons. The instrument is located in the reactor hall of JRR-3, and the incident neutron beam with an energy of 12.7-74 meV is available.

PONTA has Heusler monochromator and analyzer, which enable us to perform polarized neutron scattering. This technique is useful to distinguish magnetic scattering from nuclear scattering and to determine xyz-components of the Fourier-transformed magnetic moments. The direction of neutron spin polarization at the sample position is controlled by a spin flipper and a Helmholtz coil.


  • Magnetic phase transitions: temperature and magnetic field variations of magnetic order parameters.

  • Magnetic structure analysis by longitudinal polarization analysis (Pzz, Pxx).

  • Dispersion relations of phonons and magnons.

  • Crystal field excitations.