March-April 2022

Upcoming Events

Monday & Tuesday March 28-29 - Crownover Solo & Ensemble Recitals (info below)

Saturday, April 2 - District Solo & Ensemble Contest (info below)

Saturday, April 9 - Fiddle Club performance at DHS jazz festival (info below)

Tuesday, April 12 - Philharmonic to Pride of Texas Music Contest - Pinstack Plano - field trip details coming soon, after school rehearsal dates to be announced soon

Tuesday, April 19 - Prelude to Pride of Texas Music Contest - Pinstack Plano - field trip details coming soon, after school rehearsal dates to be announced soon

Tuesday, May 17 - Spring Concert - Chamber and Phil 8th graders after school rehearsal on May 13 for combined pieces. Prelude and Phil after school rehearsals to be announced.

Wednesday, May 18 - Chamber to Peak Music Contest at UNT - field trip details coming soon

May 25 - RCMS Fine Arts Department end of year party 1-3:30 pm (this is an early release day)

Solo & Ensemble Recitals

Monday, March 28 and Tuesday, March 29

6:30 pm RCMS Orchestra Room

Optional but recommended for all orchestra students

Students should arrive at 6:00 for tuning and warm-up. Please park at the back of the school and enter through the back doors of the school.

Students are recommended to dress professionally for this performance - something you could wear to someplace like church or a wedding

The purpose of our recital is for students to have the chance to present the solo & ensemble pieces they have been working on for a small audience. Most students are preparing these pieces to perform in the contest the following Saturday and this is like a "tune-up" event to prepare for that.

Students may choose the recital night that works best for their schedule. Ensembles should discuss the date choices and decide as a group which works best for each student's family schedule.

Solo & Ensemble Contest

Saturday, April 2

Strickland Middle School

Individual performance times to be announced beginning on Monday 3/28

View our Contest Folder for copies of the information students already received (event information, entry form and accompaniment sign-up forms). Performer schedules and additional information will be added when available.

The contest is optional for Prelude and Philharmonic students and required for Chamber. Sign-ups are now past-due, but if a student realizes that they can participate and hasn't signed up yet, please let me know ASAP and I'll do everything I can to get them (or their ensemble) a time slot.

Fiddle Club

Performance - Chet Baker Jazz Festival

Saturday, April 9 10:15 am

Denton High School auditorium

Performance Information

Full event schedule

UIL Results

The Philharmonic and Chamber orchestras finally completed their UIL Concert and Sightreading evaluations on March 4 and 7 after weather cancellations and re-scheduling. The contest was held at Guyer High School.

Philharmonic Orchestra scored a 2nd division "Excellent" rating on their concert performance and a 1st division "superior" rating on their sightreading evaluation.

Chamber Orchestra scored a 1st division rating in both Concert and Sightreading. This is called a "Sweepstakes" award.

Both orchestras represented Crownover exceptionally. Thank you to our Philharmonic and Chamber parents for your commitment to getting the students at all of our after school rehearsals and clinics to prepare for this event. We would like to thank clinicians Logan Childs, Daniel Gonzales, Eric Smith and Julianne Booth for working with the students in sectionals and clinics during our Pre-UIL clinic and concert event.

Chamber Orchestra with their Sweepstakes trophy

Philharmonic Orchestra after the contest with their sightreading plaque

Philharmonic waiting to perform

High School Auditions - GHS

Audition information and music packets

Current 8th graders may audition for placement in advanced level of orchestras. This is optional - all students who are enrolled in orchestra will be placed in 9th grade level orchestra without an audition. Auditions take place each spring for next year's placements. Students who are interested in auditioning should read the audition letter on the GHS website carefully and follow all guidelines about completing the audition successfully.

Bass Day

On Friday, March 11, 5th-12th grade bass players from the entire Guyer cluster participated in a Bass Day event at Guyer facilitating technique work, master classes, collaboration and celebration of this special instrument and the people who play it!

5th-7th grade students participated in a technique class led by former RCMS/current GHS bass player Christian Luevano. Christian is a 4-year high school all-state student who has ranked #1 in the state 3 out of those 4 years. Christian is currently working on a world premier bass concerto by composer Andres Martin that has been commissioned for him by the GHS orchestra department. This will be performed by the GHS orchestra on their spring concert on May 19.

8th-12th grade students had a technique class with former RCMS/GHS student Ian Grems, who is currently finishing a master's degree in bass performance at UNT

Ian will be performing his final master's recital on April 20 at First United Methodist Denton.

All students participated in a master class on their solo repertoire led by UNT bass professor Jeff Bradetich

Bass players - check out the UNT Beginner-Intermediate Bass Camp June 14-17!

Former RCMS student Christian Luevano performing during the Bass Day master class

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Former RCMS student Ian Grems performing during the Bass Day master class

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Quartet Represents Crownover at Lake Cities Chamber of Commerce Luncheon and Awards Ceremony

On March 4, Crownover was invited to send a string quartet to perform for a Lake Cities Chamber of Commerce luncheon at The Olana event venue in Hickory Creek. The LCCOC teacher of the month was from Crownover (Ms. McClung) and the LCCOC leadership felt that attendees would enjoy hearing entertainment from Crownover students. Thank you to Aliah Robbins, Maureen Lee, Hadley Barnette and Sadie Knowles for learning a binder full of extra music to represent our orchestra program at this event!