About SIM

Partner of INIMA


The Polish Interim Managers Association (SIM - Stowarzyszenie Interim Managers) was founded in 2009 by experienced business practitioners, who have continuously strived to implement the solution of Interim Management in the Polish market. SIM is the only organization in Poland representing Interim Managers and other persons involved in the development of Interim Management. The purpose of the Association is public activity to build, promote and propagate the idea of Interim Management. Its statutory mission is to disseminate best practices of professionalism and high standards in interim projects.

The Association works to raise awareness of the applications of IM in business management among entrepreneurs. SIM members are experienced Interim Managers. They share their knowledge and experience and strive to improve qualifications of management personnel.

The Association also acts as a platform for the exchange of contacts where businesses can find the right Interim Manager for a particular project.

SIM Initiatives

As part of its statutory activity, SIM carries out initiatives aiming to improve the professional qualifications of Interim Managers; it is also active in the fields of related education, research and promotion.

Interim Management - innovative solution in age and business management

Project co-funded by the European Social Fund, carried out in cooperation with the Institute of Interim Management (UK) and the Polish company Inwenta. The objective of the project is to promote Interim Management as an HR solution for business, to prolong the professional careers of 50+ managers and to promote innovative tools with applications in business. Thanks to the international cooperation, the project will also provide support to companies in the form of knowledge, experience and solutions that have proven effective abroad, but adapted to the Polish market.

Regular meetings of SIM members

For many years monthly meetings for Interim Managers - SIM members – are being held. They constitute a platform for exchange of knowledge and experience for ongoing projects.

Certification of Interim Managers

SIM has created a professional certification program, aimed at managers with experience in conducting Interim projects who would like to certify their qualifications in this respect. The program consists of a series of trainings, ending with an examination and a certificate, which will soon be part of a National Qualifications Framework. The program is also suitable for managers considering career development in the direction of Interim Management.

Annual Conference on Interim Management
(11 editions)

Every year in the fourth quarter, SIM organizes a national conference aimed at promoting Interim Management solutions. Current topics, respected specialists, foreign experts and numerous case studies from actual IM projects make the event more and more popular among executives and influential community members.

Polish Interim Management Market Research

SIM carries out research projects to diagnose and monitor changes in the awareness of businesses and employees related to Interim Management. The most important is the bi-annual IM market survey.


The most important publication so far is Metodyka Interim Management (Interim Management Methodology), published in 2014 and financed by a grant of the European Social Fund. It presents all aspects of the professional know-how an interim manager needs when starting a project: the negotiation of a contract, the contract typical clauses, the ways of monitoring and documenting the project , typical pitfalls, tools to monitor costs and milestones, how to prepare the final report etc. The book also provides a few case studies closed during its preparation. The methodology is widely used during the certification courses and is recommended by SIM as reference to all IM’s and company leaders.

Members of SIM are also authors of Poland's first business publication dedicated to Interim Management - Menedżer do zadań specjalnych. Czasowe zarządzanie przedsiębiorstwem (Special Tasks Manager. Interim Management in a company), published in 2011 by the One Press publishing house. Their expert articles regularly appear in the business press and other media.