Booklists and Recommendations


Biographies and Autobiographies

Historical Fiction from American History

Immigration Narratives

Neurodiversity Booklist

Novels in Unusual Formats



 Banned Books

The ALA celebrates our freedom to read widely and make up our own minds by publishing lists of books that have been banned at different times in different parts of the country. Librarians believe that rather than censoring the written word, we should keep all books available, read critically and thoughtfully, and discuss what is good or bad about them. We invite you to read critically and use your own brain and conscience to make decisions about what you read. Check out the American Library Association's list of banned books here. 

YALSA booklists

YALSA is the young-adult section of the American Library Association (ALA) and one of the best authorities in the country about YA books. Check out the wide variety of booklists they have, including best books to prepare you for college, quick picks for people who don't really like to read that much, best graphic novels by year, and best adult books that teens will also like (Alex Awards). A great site!