Career Research

Greetings, seniors! These sites will help you research the career you have chosen for your project.


Occupational Outlook Handbook: This site is from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a U.S. government agency that collects data about jobs. It has a ton of useful information about all careers, including how fast that career is growing, average salary, job duties, and more!

Career Exploration: This site is from the same source as above, but designed for students to explore future careers!

O*Net: Easily searchable website, also by the Dept. of Labor.

My Next Move: Easily searchable website, also by the Dept. of Labor.

Career One Stop: Easily searchable website, also by the Dept. of Labor.

Career One Stop en espanol (same as the above but in Spanish)

Road Trip Nation: This video series on PBS has videos you can watch about real people and how they found a job they love.

Jobs Made Real: The career info on this site is a little outdated, but the video interviews with people in different careers are a helpful way to learn what a job is like from people who actually do it. The site is managed by a high school club in Santa Rosa, CA.

Alameda County Library's Jobs and Careers page: You need a library card number to access most of these resources. Check out "Gale One File: Vocations and Careers!"

California Labor Market Information: This page from the California government gives information about how many jobs there are in different fields in California, salary, etc.

Types of colleges in California: From Cal State Long Beach



Median salary

Difference between hourly pay and salary pay

Minimum wage

Vocational education

Example MLA citation for an Occupational Outlook Handbook page (the citation they give on the page is not in MLA format):

"Chefs and Head Cooks." Occupational Outlook Handbook, Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, 6 Sept. 2023,