Maus Background

Background research to help you gain a more in-depth understanding of the historical context of Art Spiegelman's graphic novel, Maus. 

At the end of each topic, the "On the book cart" section points out some titles from our book cart that might be most helpful. 

**Citing a book in MLA 9 is really easy: Author lastname, Firstname. Title. Publisher, Year.**

DON'T FORGET TO PUT PARENTHETICAL CITATIONS ON YOUR SLIDES! Parentheticals should have the author's name: (Douillard) or the page title if no author given ("Voyage of the St. Louis")

All Topics

This Bay Area educational organization focuses on the teaching of the most difficult periods of history.

Anti-Semitic Stereotypes (or antisemitism)

Facing History 

U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum: Anti-semitism

History channel, anti-semitism

Attempt at creating an international definition of antisemitism

Anti-semitism throughout history (Anti-Defamation League)


"Degenerate Art" and literature: Art and literature that was censored or destroyed by the Nazis

Nazi Expansion in Europe

Groups targeted during the Holocaust


Ghettos During the Holocaust


Living Conditions in Concentration Camps, Liberation of Concentration Camps

Who knew what about Holocaust atrocities (internationally, in occupied countries, in Germany, etc.)

What Did The World Know? (Facing History)--also click "next reading" at the bottom, the next few pages are really helpful

"It's Not That The Story Was Buried" (TIME magazine, re: what America knew)

Americans and the Holocaust (USHMM)

"Early Warnings: How American Journalists Reported the Rise of Hitler" (Atlantic magazine)--you need to be logged in w/ your school Google account to view

Voyage of the Saint Louis (USHMM)

Voyage of the Saint Louis (Facing History)

Voyage of the Saint Louis (History channel)

Voyage of the Saint Louis (Britannica)

World Responses to the Holocaust (Facing History)

Smithsonian magazine--a really interesting article about ordinary Americans like you helping researchers find documents about what Americans knew at the time!

Nuremberg trials

Nuremberg Trials (Britannica)

Survivor Guilt

Brief definition

‘I feel guilty I survived;’ youngest Schindler’s list Holocaust survivor tells United Nations her story

Survivors' guilt (Illinois State)

Survivors' long-term psychological impacts (APA)

Long-term psychological impacts of the Holocaust (this is by a 3rd year History student at UCSB but is well cited)