Genocides Throughout History

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Despite efforts by the global community to live up to the promise "never again" made by so many after the Nazi-led Holocaust of the 1940s, there have been many genocides in many countries both before and after that time. These websites give information about some of those genocides.


Sources with information on multiple genocides

Facing History and Ourselves

This Bay Area educational organization focuses on the teaching of the most difficult periods of history.

United Nations Office on Genocide Prevention (click on the links on the left for more specifics)



The Armenian Genocide (1915-1917)

Holocaust Encyclopedia (USHMM): Armenian Genocide

U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum

Encyclopedia Britannica

Yale Genocide Studies Program: Armenian Genocide


The Cambodian Genocide

Yale Genocide Studies Program: Cambodian Genocide

The Darfur Genocide (Sudan)

The Rohingya Genocide (Myanmar)

Encyclopedia Britannica: Rohingya

The Uyghur Genocide (China)

Encyclopedia Britannica

The Rwandan Genocide

Encyclopedia Britannica: Rwanda Genocide

The Holocaust

Holocaust Timeline : A really extensive timeline from the Florida Center for Instructional Technology. Click on the hyperlinks for a detailed timeline of each period.

U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum

The United States' museum dedicated to the Holocaust is in Washington, D.C. and has amazing resources for learning about the Holocaust.

World War II (History Channel)

History Channel

World War II (USHMM)

World War II (WWII Museum New Orleans)

World War II: Defeat of Axis Powers (Britannica)

Nazification of Germany 1933-1939 (Florida Center for Instructional Technology)

See the section on the left called "Rise to Power"

Rise of Hitler and Nazi Party (USHMM)

Hitler (Biography in Context database)

If you have a public library card, you're lucky because you have access to this amazing biographical database that includes tons of articles, websites, e-books, videos, interviews, etc. about pretty much every famous person you can think of. It also provides citations.

If you don't have a public library card, sign up for an e-card at this link 

Hungarian Politics WWII

From History channel

Hungarian Politics WWII

An interesting Smithsonian magazine article on the modern legacy of Hungary's role in the Holocaust.

Hungarian Politics WWII (USHMM)

Groups Targeted During the Holocaust (USHMM page 2)

Groups Targeted During the Holocaust (USHMM)

Non-Jewish Victims (Yad Vashem)--Yad Vashem is the Holocaust Remembrance Center in Jerusalem, Israel.

Victims of the Holocaust (Florida Center for Instructional Technology)

Ghettos (USHMM)

Timeline of the ghettos (Florida Center for Instructional Technology)

Ghettos and Camps (this resource from the Holocaust Center for Humanity in Seattle includes video clips from survivors about life in the ghettos. Let Ms. McAuley know if you need to borrow headphones!)

Ghettos (Yad Vashem)

Yad Vashem is the Holocaust Remembrance Center in Jerusalem, Israel. Make sure you click on the names of specific ghettos (ie; "Warsaw Ghetto") on the left-hand toolbar for more information).

Ghettos and Deportation (from a British Holocaust memorial organization)

Daily Life in the Warsaw Ghetto (British Imperial War Museum)

Art of the Ghettos and Camps (Florida Center for Instructional Technology)

Concentration Camps (Auschwitz-Birkenau museum)

Concentration Camps (Yad Vashem)

Yad Vashem is the Holocaust Remembrance Center in Jerusalem, Israel. Make sure you click on the sub-categories (ie; "Daily Life in the Camps") on the left-hand toolbar for more information).

Ghettos and Camps (this resource from the Holocaust Center for Humanity in Seattle includes video clips from survivors about life in the ghettos. Let Ms. McAuley know if you need to borrow headphones!)


Resisters (Florida Center for Instructional Technology)

Resistance timeline (Florida Center for Instructional Technology)

Timeline of the camps (Florida Center for Instructional Technology)

Timeline of Liberation (Florida Center for Instructional Technology)

Liberation of the Concentration Camps (Britain's Imperial War Museum)

What Did The World Know? (Facing History)--also click "next reading" at the bottom, the next few pages are really helpful

"It's Not That The Story Was Buried" (TIME magazine, re: what America knew)

Americans and the Holocaust (USHMM)

"Early Warnings: How American Journalists Reported the Rise of Hitler" (Atlantic magazine)--you need to be logged in w/ your school Google account to view

Voyage of the Saint Louis (USHMM)

Voyage of the Saint Louis (Facing History)

Voyage of the Saint Louis (History channel)

Voyage of the Saint Louis (Britannica)

World Responses to the Holocaust (Facing History)

Smithsonian magazine--a really interesting article about ordinary Americans like you helping researchers find documents about what Americans knew at the time!

Nuremberg Trials (Britannica)

Nuremberg Trials (UMKC)

The "Famous Trials" site is written and managed by a law professor from the University of Missouri, Kansas City, school of law.

Nuremberg Trials (USHMM)

Nuremberg Trials primary sources (Library of Congress)

Documents from the actual trials

"Aftermath" timeline (Florida Center for Instructional Technology)

Related books from the library: Voices and Visions, The Holocaust: The World and the Jews, Moral Responsibility in the Holocaust, History in Dispute: The Holocaust, Remembering the Holocaust, Forever Outsiders, Smoke to Flame, The Blaze Engulfs, Branded by the Pink Triangle, Life in the Nazi Ghettos, Occupation and Resistance, Living and Dying in Nazi Concentration Camps, Beyond Courage, The Bielski Brothers, The Nuremberg Trials, Crimes Against Humanity, The Nazi Hunters, The Trial of Adolf Eichmann