WIP Keywords

Keyword Tips for WIP Source Checks and the Global Issue Profile



Source Check 1:

Keywords for finding Source Check sources on data and statistics about the scope and severity of the problem (GIP section II). Remember, we're looking for how many people are affected by your issue globally, what regions and nations are most affected, and which groups are disproportionately affected (hurt more than others). I tried to give a few examples for each topic. Obviously, use your own topic keywords!

climate change statistics

Global warming temperature data

Climate change and natural disasters statistics

Data on climate change and agriculture

Climate refugee statistics

Climate change and disease statistics

Food insecurity statistics international

Global hunger data

Global statistics undernourishment (or malnourishment)

Infectious disease statistics worldwide (also try w/ specific diseases)

Infectious disease prevalence globally

Human trafficking statistics worldwide 

Human trafficking data by country

Labor trafficking statistics / Sex trafficking statistics

Refugee crisis statistics

Refugee data 2023 globally

Refugee data by country (or by region)

Refugee education statistics

Refugee health statistics

Statistics on women in politics globally

Gender based violence statistics globally

Girls education data worldwide

Girls education statistics internationally 

Topic  statistics by country

Water scarcity statistics

Drought statistics

Drinking water contamination statistics globally (or by country)

Drinking water and sanitation data by country


Source Check 2:

Keywords for finding Source Check sources on causes and effects of the issue (GIP sections III and IV). 

Here, I'm using climate change just as an example. Replace with your own keywords! Not all keywords are appropriate for all topics. Try lots of different ones!



causes of climate change

Effects of climate change

Impacts of climate change

drivers of climate change

contributing factors to climate change

deforestation and climate change

Industrial pollution and climate change

transportation and climate change

consequences of global warming

climate change effects on health

global warming effects on health

climate change impacts on agriculture

climate change impacts on children

climate change economic impacts

financial cost of global climate change

impacts of climate change developing countries

climate refugees

climate change and drought

climate change and flooding


Another example: infectious disease

Causes of epidemics globally

Infectious disease and vaccine inequity

Infectious disease and cost of treatment globally

Access to treatment for infectious disease


GIP Outline Section V:

Keyword suggestions for Section V of the Global Issue Profile (Current Solutions). Combine these with a keyword for your topic, like:

Climate change government responses internationally

Gender based violence international strategies

Girls education programs developing nations

Malaria prevention

Anti-trafficking organizations internationally






international response

government response

international strategies

nonprofit organizations

national strategies

national programs


Mitigation (doesn't work for all topics)

prevention (doesn't work for all topics)

regulation (doesn't work for all topics)

addressing (ex: addressing gender-based violence; addressing violence against women)


Remember, no matter what section of the GIP you're finding sources for, you need to use lots of different synonyms for your topic, as well as specific causes, effects, and solutions you've already learned about within your topic. Get some of these ideas from your earlier source checks! For example, for water scarcity and contamination:


Clean drinking water access

Sanitation and drinking water

Waterborne disease

Water shortage


Drought and drinking water

Water shortage statistics

Water pollution health effects developing nations

Water pollution economic impacts globally

Drought health effects

Drought impacts on agriculture

Drought impacts on health

Causes of water crisis globally

Causes of water shortage internationally

Desalination programs

Water sanitation strategies globally

Clean drinking water strategies developing nations


One more set of examples, gender-based discrimination:


Gender-based violence

Anti-LGBT violence

Anti-LGBT legislation

Violence against women globally

Gender-based violence statistics

International gender-based violence solutions

Violence against women international programs

Girls education

Girls education government responses

Girls education nonprofit organizations

Lack of female political representation

Lack of women in politics

Female political participation globally

Economic inequality for women internationally

Women's economic rights globally

Maternal mortality international statistics

Child marriage

Child marriage prevention

Child marriage policies

Child marriage negative effects

Child marriage and education

Female genital mutilation

Sex-selective abortion
