Universal Screeners:
- Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS)
A set of short (one-minute) fluency measures that can be used for universal screening, benchmark assessment, and progress monitoring in Kindergarten to 8th grade. DIBELS 8th Edition provides educators with standards for gauging the progress of all students with the acquisition of literacy skills.
- STAR Reading by Renaissance
Star Reading is a student-based, computer-adaptive assessment for measuring student achievement in reading. Star Reading fulfills a variety of assessment purposes, including interim assessment, screening, standards benchmarking, diagnosing skill gaps, skills-based reporting, and instructional planning.
- Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA) Measures of Academic Progress (MAP)
NWEA MAP is a nationally normed, computer adaptive assessment given three times per year. It measures student academic growth over time. When students answer questions to the best of their ability, MAP provides reliable insights making it simple for teachers to plan differentiated instruction, develop interventions for struggling students, and determine what students are ready to learn next. NWEA Map will also provide placement recommendations for Read 180.
Tier 1 Universal, Core Instruction:
- K-5 - Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA)
Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA) is a comprehensive language arts curriculum program for students in kindergarten through grade 5. The focus in K–3 is to develop fluent reading and writing skills and to enhance language comprehension by building knowledge and vocabulary. This is accomplished through two strands: the Skills strand and the Listening & Learning strand; each takes about 60 minutes per day. In 4–5, students are still focused on building reading and writing skills as well as knowledge and vocabulary, but the program no longer has two strands. Across the year, students study 8 to 9 content-focused units (including The Middle Ages, Geology, Treasure Island, and Native Americans).
- 6 - Amplify English Language Arts (ELA)
Amplify ELA is a blended English language arts curriculum designed specifically to support students in grades 6–8 and prepare them for high school and beyond. With Amplify ELA, students learn to tackle any complex text and make observations, grapple with interesting ideas, and find relevance for themselves.
- 7-8 - StudySync
StudySync is a comprehensive core literacy program for grades 6-12 featuring more than 2,000 literary and informational texts with learning activities supported by high-quality multimedia and instructional resources. Each text includes built-in activities (like quizzes and writing prompts) that are inspired by and aligned with the Common Core State Standards, and the program is guided by current research for reading, language, and writing instruction.
- 9-12 - High School Courses