Introduction & Overview


The overall purpose of the Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) in the Fulton City School District is to provide high-quality instruction and intervention matched to student needs using data to make important educational decisions about the academics, social-emotional, behavioral, and attendance needs of individual students. 

The Fulton City School District’s Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) site is designed to:

The purpose of the MTSS site is to aid in the effective implementation of a three-tiered instructional model to support and increase academic, behavioral, and social-emotional outcomes for ALL students. This guide identifies critical decision points within Tier I (universal or core instruction for all students), Tier II (supplemental instruction), and Tier III (intensive supports).

In addition, this site will provide best practice recommendations and requirements within an MTSS framework that includes gathering accurate and reliable data that can be used to make meaningful instructional changes for students, establishing and managing intensive tiers of support, and evaluations of the tiers to ensure the supports provided are effective. At its heart, MTSS is designed to support better educational outcomes such as increasing graduation rates and ensuring that our students are college and career-ready. Graduation Requirements

This site will include critical features of the Required Components of a Response to Intervention (RtI) Program Under Section 100.2 (ii) and FCSD Response to Intervention Board Policy 4324.0: