Social-Emotional Skills and Behavior
Universal Screeners:
- Behavior Intervention Monitoring Assessment System (BIMAS-2)
Universal screening for social-emotional and behavioral functioning. Used to identify students who might be at risk or in need of intervention and/or additional assessment.
- Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI)
A self-assessment tool intended to measure the fidelity of School-wide PBIS implementation. Identifies areas of strength and challenges in each building to guide goals and action planning.
- Student Voice Survey (SV)
The Student Voice Survey (SV) is administered to collect perception data regarding Strategic Coherence Plan (SCP) goals. This survey corresponds to the Staff Perception Survey (SPS) and Family Engagement Survey (FES). All 3 are administered annually and completed online.
Tier 1 Universal, Core Instruction:
- Direct instruction of district and building-wide behavioral expectations:
Be Safe, Be Respectful, and Be Responsible
School/District Culture Teams
School/District Leadership Teams
- Regular review of Behavior Referral Data
Identify general patterns of challenging behavior and generate possible solutions
School Student Support Teams
Building/District School Culture Teams
- School Culture Student Advisory
Opportunity for student voice in creating a safe and welcoming learning environment
Meets monthly throughout the year
Grades 5-12
- Pre K-5 - Second Step ®
Second Step® programs help students build a foundation for a positive, inclusive culture through developing social-emotional competencies, which include perspective-taking, empathy, processing emotions, understanding and resolving conflicts and building positive relationships.
- 6-8 - Second Step® Middle School
Middle school is a time of growth and change. Our social-emotional learning (SEL) program for Grades 6–8, is backed by the latest research in adolescent brain development and social psychology to help kids navigate this crucial period. The enhanced curriculum includes:
A bullying and harassment unit
Relatable scenarios for students
Differentiation between grade levels
Additional interactive activities to keep students engaged and learning