"Be observing constantly. Stay open-minded.

Be eager to learn and improve."

- Jonn Wooden -


At the 'Statistical Learning for Biology' lab we are passionate about bridging the gap between the fields of biology and statistical learning.

Our current research is focused on using advanced computational techniques to extract patterns and trends from massive omics datasets. We use these methods to identify biomarkers, predict disease outcomes, and unveil hidden associations within complex biological data.

Another important part of our work is to support researchers working with biological and biomedical data with the necessary statistical and machine learning tools and assist them in producing high-quality research that meets their objectives. 

Current research

Our current research is focused on exploring the vast and intricate world of omics data to uncover novel insights into human health. 

Key Areas of Research:

 Upcoming events

December 13-14, 2024

Hybrid Conference, University of Tirana (Albania)

 Past events 

Hybrid training, June 14, 2024. Organized at  Western Balkans University, Albania

Statistical and machine learning modeling of biological data in R 

October 18-20, 2023, at the Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Tirana (Albania)

Hands-on Biostatistics Training 2022

Introduction to machine learning: Classification and Clustering - a theoretical and applicative approach with the R environment

October 18, 2022 - at the Department of Biology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Tirana and Online via Teams

Advances in the Analysis of Human Microbiome and Transcriptomics Data

May 24, 2022 at the Department of Biology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Tirana

Hands-on Biostatistics Training 2021

Analysis of non-parametric data in R

July 15-16 , 2021 - Online training

Statistical and machine learning techniques for microbiome data

Online workshop – 15 October 2021

17-18 December 2021, Online Conference, University of Tirana (Albania)

Hands-on Biostatistics Workshop 2020

Topics in Biostatistics with applications in R

July 17-18, 2020 - Online training

 Join us

If you are intrigued by the complexity of biological data, and eager to nurture your academic and research growth, we would be happy to have you in our team. By joining our projects, you will get hands-on experience in various computational methods, and data analysis tools, providing you with practical skills that are highly sought after in today's scientific landscape.

To express your interest in joining Statistical Learning for Biology projects or to learn more about our research, please reach out to lab coordinator Eliana Ibrahimi at eliana.ibrahimi@fshn.edu.al .