3rd Hands-on Biostatistics Workshop

'Introduction to machine learning: Classification and Clustering - a theoretical and applicative approach with the R environment'

Hybrid training, October 18, 2022

Organized at the University of Tirana, Faculty of Natural Sciences


This training aims to introduce the methodological and applicative aspects of Machine/Statistical Learning (preliminary concepts) and understanding of the application aspects of the main techniques through exercises, laboratory activities and the use of the R environment. The aim is to help participants improve their understanding and skills in machine learning applications in biological and health sciences, especially the applicative ones. 

The training will focus on using unsupervised statistical learning techniques (clustering) to unstructured data. Specifically, on the use of different methods to generate clusters based on the type of feature's nature. The aim is to use supervised approaches, to build and evaluate models that allow for to classify data and understanding of the marginal impacts of each attribute. Finally, machine learning methods such as random forest and fuzzy random forest will be discussed. 


Dr. Alise Ponsero

Postdoctoral Research Fellow at University of Helsinki, Finland

She is a computational biologist working in environmental microbiology and metagenomics. Her research experience encompasses different topics and interests. She did a master's degree in fundamental and applied microbiology at the University of Rennes 1, France. This master's degree was followed by an internship at the University of Tennessee, USA in the laboratory of Dr. S.W. Wilhelm, where she worked on phage-host interactions between cyanobacteria and cyanophages. In 2016 she obtained her PhD in molecular and cellular biology at the CEA (Center for Atomic energy) of Saclay, France. Her dissertation focused on understanding intracellular fluxes of glutathion and its impact on protein secretion in yeast. 

Convinced of the importance of computer science and data analysis skills in today's biological research, she decided to complete a second master's degree in computer science, at the University of Rennes 1, France. During this time, she had the opportunity to perform a placement at the University of Arizona, in the laboratory of Dr. Bonnie Hurwitz where she then worked as a postdoctoral fellow. Her current research focuses on the development of tools and methods for the analysis of large-scale metagenomics datasets. 

Dr. Annamaria Porreca

Research Fellow at the G. d'Annunzio" University, Chieti-Pescara, Italy.

She attended master’s classes in Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the "Cattolica" University of Rome (Italy) and then, in July 2021, she concludes her PhD in Computer Science at the University of Chieti-Pescara (Italy). She is a teaching assistant in Medical Statistics at the Department of Medical, Oral and Biotechnological Sciences, at the “G. d'Annunzio" University, Chieti-Pescara, on Statistics, Mathematics, and R Programming. She is the author of more than forty publications in international journals and books in the biostatistics and medical statistics fields. Her main research topic is both supervised and unsupervised classification and she is currently working on machine learning applied to biomedical data. 

From July 18 to October 18, 2022, she is affiliated as Visiting Researcher at the Department of Biology, University of Tirana, Albania. During this mobility, she is working on applications of statistical/machine learning in biological and health data analysis in collaboration with Eliana Ibrahimi and other researchers. 


Tuesday - October 18, 2022

13:00 - 13:10

Welcome and get to know each other

13:10 - 14:10

Alise Ponsero - Key concepts of machine learning, applications in biology and health


Coffee break and networking


Annamaria Porreca - Classification and Clustering - a theoretical and applicative approach with R

15:30 - Closing remarks


Participation is free but registration is mandatory for organisational purposes. Please register here before October 15, 2022. Participants attending the training will receive a certificate of attendance. 


Faculty of Natural Sciences - University of Tirana

Address: Bulv Zogu I, Tirana, Albania

Building B, Room 107 & Online via Teams

Organizing & Contact

Eliana Ibrahimi

Department of Biology, University of Tirana

Fundime Miri

Department of Biology, University of Tirana

Xhilda Merkaj

Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Tirana

Contact: Eliana Ibrahimi at eliana.ibrahimi@fshn.edu.al


Khadijah Abid, SZABIST, Karachi, Pakistan

Denada Dauti, University of Tirana, Albania

Delina Xhafaj, Albanian University, Albania

Adedoyin Taiwo, University of Ibadan

Tarek Abdelaziz Mahmood, Alexandria University - Egypt

Ilva Licaj, Università degli Studi del Sannio, Italy

Jason Sriwijaya, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia

Muhammad Yaqoob, Pakistan Bureau of Statistics

Valenti Goni, University of Tirana, Albania

Gonzalo Suárez, Universidad de la República / Facultad Veterinaria

Eni Sinani, Anhalt University of Natural Sciences

Aida Dervishi, University of Tirana, Albania

Livia Demiraj, University of Tirana, Albania

Jona Shkurti, The Netherlands Cancer Institute

Nertila Gjini, University of Tirana, Albania

Xhuljana Sfiri, University of Tirana, Albania

Sara Kamberi, University of Tirana, Albania

Arjela Bircaj, University of Tirana, Albania

Lumturije Gjana, University of Tirana, Albania

Megi Mehdija, University of Tirana, Albania

Ersela Paskali, University of Tirana, Albania

Maria Qarri, University of Tirana, Albania

Klisjana Muça, University of Tirana, Albania

Fuat Tatari, University of Tirana, Albania

Armelda Sula, University of Tirana, Albania

Emira Gjika, University of Tirana, Albania

Denisa Tocilla, University of Tirana, Albania

Laura Katerina Bejko, University of Tirana, Albania

Vera Hoxha, University of Tirana, Albania

Geraldo Bushi, University of Tirana, Albania

Adrian Xhindoli, University of Tirana, Albania

Daniela Bardhi, University of Tirana, Albania

Grejsi Gjonaj, University of Tirana, Albania

Ester Dedgjonaj, University of Tirana, Albania

Anjeza Ndreca, University of Tirana, Albania

Jura Murrani, University of Tirana, Albania

Jetmira Ramku, University of Tirana, Albania

Ledjona koldashi, University of Tirana, Albania

Klaudia Ndreca, University of Tirana, Albania

Bajame Kushta, University of Tirana, Albania

Xhuljano Muca, University of Tirana, Albania

Iqra Rehman, Institute of Business Management

Joana Tunaj, University of Tirana, Albania

Inva Kociaj, Western Balkan University

Juwel Rana, McGill University

Sathish Pichika, University of Windsor

Ina Marku, University of Tirana, Albania

Mohammed Abdullah ABDULRAHMAN AHMED, Sudan Atomic Energy Commission

Eva Troja, Pharma company

Xhilda Dhamo, University of Tirana, Albania

Abdullah Muftić, University of Sarajevo - Veterinary Faculty

Klea Lami, Bonn university

Klea Bushati, University of Tirana, Albania

Eglantina Abrashi, University of Tirana, Albania

Hatixhe Kashari, University of Medicine Tirana

Fjona Llanaj, University of Tirana, Albania

Arnisa Sokoli, University of Tirana, Albania

Ergi Xara, University of Tirana, Albania

Ermelinda Manellari, University of Tirana, Albania

Franci Sinani, University of Tirana, Albania

Silvjo Tringoski, University of Tirana, Albania

Xhesjan Kamani, University of Tirana, Albania

Hedga Hida, University of Tirana, Albania

Miledi Tafa, University of Tirana, Albania

Edra Temja, University of Tirana, Albania

Fjorela Nerguti, University of Tirana, Albania

Fatime Ahmetaj, University of Tirana, Albania

Franceska Zisko, University of Tirana, Albania

Mimoza Idrizi, University of Tirana, Albania

Elga Baze, University of Tirana, Albania

Romina Qyra, University of Tirana, Albania

Lorena Ballkoçi, University of Tirana, Albania

Dajana Dokaj, University of Medicine Tirana

Debasrija Mondal, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science

Borana Qalliu, Public Health Institute, Albania