MSB Training School 2023: Statistical and Machine Learning Modeling of Biological Data in R 

October 18-20, 2023

Organized at the University of Tirana, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Tirana (Albania)


The aim of this training school is to equip students and young researchers working with biological data with the necessary statistical and machine learning tools needed to analyze biological data. 

The program will focus on the application of modern statistics and R programming, to tackle biological challenges effectively. We will offer comprehensive workshops that cater to both beginners and experienced researchers in the field. We believe in learning by doing, so our lectures will emphasize practical applications and real-life projects. Whether you are new to data analysis or seeking to enhance your existing skills, the training modules are tailored to meet your learning needs. 

 Program highlights

What You'll Learn:

  A detailed program can be accessed here. 


Dr. Alise Ponsero

Postdoctoral Research Fellow at University of Helsinki, Finland

Dr. Annamaria Porreca

Research Fellow at the G. d'Annunzio" University, Chieti-Pescara, Italy 

Dr. Eliana Ibrahimi

Lecturer and Researcher  at University of Tirana

Dr. Malvina Marku

Postdoctoral Researcher at the French Institute of Health and Medical Research, France  

Dr. Marta B. Lopes

Researcher at NOVA University of Lisbon, Portugal  

Dr. Matti Ruskanen

Postdoctoral Researcher at University of Turku, Finland

Keynote speaker

Assoc. Prof. Susana Vinga

Associate Professor at Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal


Onsite participants

Fabiola Noga, University of Medicine Tirana, Albania

Ronaldo Leka, Bilkent University, Turkey

Blerta Laze, University of Vlora “Ismail Qemali”, Albania 

Keisi Mecaj, KU Leuven, Belgium

Brunilda Dakavelli, National Blood Transfusion Center, Albania

Brunilda Mezani, Western Balcans University, Albania

Xhuljana Arapaj, University of Vlora, "Ismail Qemali", Albania

Brunilda Veshaj, University of Vlora, "Ismail Qemali" , Albania

Blerta Tabaku, University of Tirana, Albania

Melisa Meto, University of Tirana, Albania

Eni Hoxha, University of Tirana, Albania 

Mariola Ismailaj, University of Vlora, "Ismail Qemali", Albania

Geolind Çobaj, University of Vlora, "Ismail Qemali", Albania

Ema Lushnjari, University of Tirana, Albania

Klaudia Kaiku, University of Tirana, Albania

Lorena Hysi, Agricultural University of Tirana, Albania

Stela Ruci, University of Tirana, Albania

Online participants

Andrea Koca, University of Vienna, Austria

Lisia Peqini, University of Padova, Italy

Aurora Bakaj, University "Ismail Qemali" Vlore, Albania

Enkelejda Bara, University of Tirana, Albania

Qemal Shehu, University of Tirana, Albania

Muhammad Yaqoob, Institute of Behavioral Science, Pakistan

Melissa Basso, University of Surrey, United Kingdom

Itrat Zehrh, Aga Khan University Hospital, Pakistan

Gerta Subashaj, University of Tirana, Albania

Denada Sota, Universiteti Ismail Qemali Vlore, Albania

 Registration & Logistics

Onsite participation in this training school is free of charge but limited to 30 participants. Selection will be based on motivation. Several lectures will be streamed online via Zoom for those who can not participate onsite.

Onsite participants will receive a certificate of completion and are required to have their own laptops. A virtual environment, which can be accessed through a web browser, will be used during practical sessions. 

Applications for onsite participation can be submitted here before September 25, 2023. Notification of acceptance will be sent to selected participants by September 30, 2023. Registrations for online participation are open until October 15, 2023.


Faculty of Natural Sciences - University of Tirana

Address: Bulv Zogu I, Tirana, Albania

Building B, Room 103

Organizers & Contact

Eliana Ibrahimi

Department of Biology, University of Tirana

Alise Ponsero

Human Microbiome Research, University of Helsinki

Marta B. Lopes

NOVA Math, NOVA University of Lisbon



Support staff

Melisa Meto

Department of Biology, University of Tirana

Blerta Tabaku

Department of Biology, University of Tirana

Supported by