2nd Hands-on Biostatistics Workshop

Analysis of non-parametric data in R

Online workshop, July 15-16, 2021

Organized at University of Tirana, Department of Biology 


In statistics, nonparametric tests serve as an alternative to parametric tests such as T-test or ANOVA that do not require a distribution to meet the required assumptions to be analyzed . In order to achieve the correct results from the statistical analysis, we should know the situations in which the application of nonparametric tests is appropriate. The aim of this workshop is to provide theoretical and practical guidance on the analysis of non-parametric data in R. The workshop will cover several nonparametric tests such as Wicoxon signed rank test, Mann-Whitney test, Kruskal-Wallis test, and Spearman correlation with applications in R.  


Lecturer and Researcher in Biostatistics

University of Tirana - Albania

Statistics Associate Director

AstraZeneca - United Kingdom


Thursday, July 15 - 4:00 - 7:00 pm CET

The first day of the workshop will cover lectures on the theoretical aspects of nonparametric tests and their applications in R. A group discussion moderated by Aldiona Kërri, will close the first day. 

Friday, July 16 - 4:00 - 7:00 pm CET

The first part of the second day will discuss the hands-on project given to the participants the first day.  The program will follow with the keynote lecture: " The role of the statistician in drug development" by Loumpiana Koulai, Ph.D. 


Participation is free and all interested participants are welcome to register for the workshop by completing the online registration before 10 of July 2021. The confirmation of your registration and joining information will be sent by organizers by 12 July 2021. In the case of a large number of participants, a selection will be made based on your motivation to join.  Participants interested in receiving a certificate of completion must work and submit the hands-on project.    

                                                                                              Register here...

Organizing & Contact

Eliana Ibrahimi

Department of Biology, University of Tirana

Email: eliana.ibrahimi@fshn.edu.al
