Stats Learning Workshop 2024

Research Methods and Statistical Learning

Hybrid training, June 14, 2024

Organized at  Western Balkans University, Albania


This workshop aims to introduce participants to research methods and statistical learning techniques and equip them with the elementary skills to conduct rigorous research and apply statistical methods to analyze data effectively. The workshop will include lectures, interactive discussions, and practical exercises. Participants will be able to work on real datasets and engage in discussions to reinforce their learning. Topics Covered:


Dr. Alise Ponsero

Researcher in Bioinformatics at the Quadram Institute of Biosciences, United Kingdom

Dr. Eliana Ibrahimi

Lecturer and Researcher in Biostatistics at the University of Tirana, Albania.


9:00-9:10: Welcome and opening remarks

    Prof. Assoc. Dr. Albana Halili

9:10-10:40: Part I: A brief introduction to research methods 

 Speaker: Dr. Alise Ponsero

10:40-11:00: Break

11:00-12:50: Part II: An introduction to statistics and machine learning 

Speaker: Dr. Eliana Ibrahimi

12:50   Closing remarks


Participation is free but registration is mandatory for organizational purposes. Please register here before June 12, 2024. Participants attending the training should bring their laptops and will receive a certificate of attendance. 


Faculty of Medical Sciences - Western Balkans University

Address: Highway Tiranë-Durrës, KM 7, Kashar, Tirana | Albania 

Conference hall A202 & Online via Zoom


Prof. Assoc. Dr. Albana Halili

Western Balcans University, Albania

Dr. Alise Ponsero

Quadram Institute of Biosciences, United Kingdom

Dr. Eliana Ibrahimi

University of Tirana, Albania