GUIDance Topics

 Guidance lessons are designed to help students feel connected in the classroom, develop social-emotional skills, and to develop important life skills. Guidance lessons are conducted twice monthly. Many guidance lessons will be based off of character traits from the highly researched Character Lab.

Below are examples of the topics I teach during classroom guidance: 


*Cooperation/Working with others

*Drug and Alcohol awareness and prevention

*Career and College Awareness

*Understanding and dealing with feelings appropriately

*Decision-making/consequences of decisions

*Kindness and compassion

*Study skills/academic success/trying your best

*Problem-Solving/coping with difficult situations

*Friendships/Interpersonal/Social Skills/Anti-Bullying

*Personal Safety/Anti-victimization

*Appreciating and respecting one's own culture and other cultures

Character Lab


What is my learning style?

Growth Mindset

Kid's Interview Video

Growth & Fixed Mindset Video



What is Grit? Video

How many times should you try? Video

Social/Emotional Intelligence


Responsibility Test

Responsibility Rap


Online Netiquette: Rules when you go online

What to do if someone is bullying you

Internet Safety


Momentous Institute Video

Belly Breathe with Elmo

Goal Setting

WOOP from Character Lab

Body Safety

My Body Safety Rules

Bullying Prevention

Bully Prevention lessons

True Colors

Bully Circle

Books For Kids

Fill a bucket

Kindness is Cooler Mrs. Ruler

Whover You Are

Enemy Pie

A Bad Case of the Stripes

Thank you, Mr. Falker

The Tooth

Stand In My Shoes

Ethan the Brave

Storyline Online read alouds