Learning Activities completed by our Scientists in Grades K-4 

Kindergarteners visiting Exploration Stations and doing what Scientists do. EXPLORING - INVESTIGATING- OBSERVING - CLASSIFYING- SORTING

Building in Water

Free Exploration with Kinetic Sand

Reading in the Science Book Nook

Exploring Liquids

Kindergarten Scientists exploring reactions as they observe the fat in milk run away from the soap molecules using food coloring. When liquid dish soap is added to milk with drops of food coloring on the surface, the soap reduces the surface tension of the milk and reacts with the fat. This interaction causes the fat particles in the milk to move and create swirls of color.

First Grade  - We read  “Be a Friend to Trees” by Patricia Lauber. Students participated in the story and discussed which items came from trees and also how animals and people use trees in our daily lives. We talked about “Stewardship” and how it is important to take care of all of the trees in our community and in our world.  Using Hula Hoops as Venn Diagrams students sorted items from around the classroom.  Choices were: COMES from TREES - DOES NOT come from TREES and BOTH. 

As our first graders begin studies on soil and planting, our families worked on an "at home" project and took a soil sample from a location of their choosing.  The students brought their soil bags with the samples back to the science lab and we took a closer look inside to see what they could find. We compared our soil to others to see what we saw that was similar and different.

Second Grade Our second grade geologists worked in small groups to identify and describe properties of rocks as they learned about and studied metamorphic, igneous and sedimentary rocks.  

Third Grade Students are examining and observing worms and recording and drawing what they notice.  Students are doing a "pair and share" with a partners and sharing behaviors and worm interactions when they are put together.

Fourth Grade - Our fourth graders practiced measuring accurately and using new science tools in the science lab.  Below, students are measuring liquids, observing and sketching diagrams of flowers and making qualitative and quantitative measurements in science.

Fourth Graders  learned about the parts and functions of the Stereo Microscope. Fourth Grade Partners visited Stuyvesant Park to collect a natural sample of items to bring back to class and observe under the microscope.  Students drew sketches with the “naked eye” and then with the "microscope" view.  They discussed what they noticed in each view.