Teacher Resources

Field Trips and Enrichment Activities

All classrooms receive a set amount for their field-trip funding. However, BEFORE YOUR FIELD TRIP/ACTIVITY, please email requests to co-president, Alexis Gallardo Foreman at admin@friendsofbaldwin.org. Be sure to include the following information in your request:

Please also email us with any additional enrichment activity funding requests.  

All requests are discussed at our monthly meetings. 

Teacher Grants

Friends of Baldwin is able to provide a $200 grant for all classroom teachers and whole-school specialists currently teaching multiple classrooms (Visual Arts, Music, Library, P.E.) 

Remember to request reimbursements for class supplies, teaching equipment, academic online subscriptions, or special enrichments, etc. by submitting copies of receipts to Treasurer, Courtney Hite, at  treasurer@friendsofbaldwin.org.