EdUHK Video Portal: Uploading teaching videos and adding in-video quizzes

The follow steps will guide you how to upload videos to the EdUHK Video Portal, add in-video quizzes, and check students' participation.

*Reminder: Links (and place for exporting reports) for original video and video with quiz are different. Please take note when copying the link!


Add new video

  • Prepare a video file in MP4 format

  • Remember to click "Start Upload" after "Add video"

  • "Restrict with a Login Form" helps to track students' progress (Optional, for internal use)

Reporting (for video without quizzes)

  • Select "Users Viewing Details" to view students' progress

  • Can export as PDF or CSV file

Add quiz

  • Remember to finish quiz setting before selecting the video

(e.g. quiz tracking/ show correct answer/ timeline available)

  • Question type: Multiple Choice, True/False, Multiple Select

  • Remember to click “Add” to save the question

*By default, student cannot skip questions or navigate on the timeline, you can edit these settings at "Quiz Navigation"

Quiz result

  • Can export results by Question or Users as PDF or CSV file

Embed link/ permalink

  • For videos (without quiz), you can find the embed/permalink link from "Media Library", the link will look like this that include "Watch":(;

  • For videos (with quizzes), please find the link from "Administration>Library>Quizzes" rather than from the media library, the link will look like this that include "Quiz":(

You may also find the user guide by OCIO:

For more information about the EdUHK Video Portal, please visit -

For the official Ensemble Video System User Guides, please visit -