Wind River Job Corps

What is Job Corps?

Job Corps is a federally funded program that provides job training and placement for students all over the United States! We are lucky to have a brand new facility right here in Riverton, known as the Wind River Job Corps Center!

The training is quick, convenient, and quality! You have up to two years to work through your chosen program, but you move at your own pace, so many students are done in 6-9 months!

To view a full list of careers available at different sites throughout the U.S. - CLICK HERE!

What can you study @ the Wind River Job Corps Center?


Building and Construction Technology



Heavy Construction Equipment Mechanic

Heavy Equipment Operations

Heavy Truck Driving

Office Administration

Petroleum Technician


Hotel and Restaurant Management


So what do you get? Well, first of all, for students 16-24, it's free! If you're under 18, it will go off of your family income to determine if you're eligible; if you're over 18 it will go off of your own income.

You have a place to live. There are beautiful new dorms for you to stay while you live on campus, or you can elect to be a non-residential student.

Food. We all like food, and if you're on campus, you have access to free food from the cafeteria for Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner!

Quality training from instructors with real world experience! The instructors come to WRJC with a breadth of knowledge and certifications all in the effort to help you earn the best education you can and get out into the working world with the skills you need.

Career Counseling - you get a career and college coach for 18 months after you graduate to help you find employment or work through the enrollment steps for any college throughout the U.S.!

Ready to Learn More?!

Contact Orion Morris today to learn more and schedule a visit!
