Furze Platt Junior School 

Newsletter 13- 5th May 2023


Three weeks have already flown past of this term- and even though we have had some extra days off school, our children have been working really hard with their learning across the curriculum as you will see from the year group pages.

I have been incredibly impressed with both the Year 4 and Year 5 performances over these last few weeks.  Year 5 took the challenge of learning Shakespearian lines in a modern retake of Midsummer Nights' Dream and our Year 4 children performed the coronation ceremonies to help us understand what will be happening on Saturday! Our children performed so confidently and articulately in front of an adult audience- what a great skill to learn at such a young age!  We will now be eagerly anticipating the Y6 shows in July- the scripts are already out and I know we are in for a treat!

It has been lovely to see everyone dressed up in red, white and blue today in honor of the weekend's Coronation Celebrations- we have enjoyed a day filled with Coronation activities, icing biscuits and lots of fun and games.  Hopefully this will be a day that the children will remember in years to come.  Many thanks to the FPSA who funded a special Furze Platt Federation bookmark for every child to signify the event.

 We return to school on Tues 9th May after the coronation weekend for the start of the Y6 SATs tests. We know that our Y6 pupils have worked very hard towards the tests, but we have continued to stress to the children that the tests only measure a small part of what they are capable of and are nothing they should worry about! At FPJS, we value all aspects of school life and although we endeavour to ensure all of our children are "secondary ready", we also want the children to be happy, confident and passionate learners. If your child is in Y6, please do reassure them of this fact and enjoy the special bank holiday weekend!

Anna Clark

Head of School

YEAR 4 Coronation Assemblies

Well done to all of the Year 4 classes for their excellent coronation assemblies this week!  For those parents who were lucky enough to be in the audience, I am sure you will have learned a lot of information about the upcoming King's coronation ceremony.  Our Year 4 children presented the information so clearly and confidently- and the children who played the part of King Charles were almost as solemn and regal as the real one!  Well done Year 4 team!

Dates for your diary- summer term

Year 5 Midsummer Night's Dream Performances

Well done to Year 5 who performed fantastically with a modern retake on "A Midsummer Night's Dream" on the first week back after Easter.  Each class did a great job of learning some very challenging shakespearean lines and acting with enthusiasm too!  Well done to our Y5 team for putting together the script, costumes, lighting and sound to create a polished performance!

Mrs Pierron's baby arrives!

Congratulations to Mrs Pierron who safely delivered baby boy Raphael William Rene Pierron on 9th April, weighing 8lbs 8oz.  Mum and baby are doing very well after an epic 34 hour labour!  We wish them both well and send lots of Furze Platt Juniors love their way!

Quick Links

Stars Of The Week

Star of the week Newsletter 13 5th May

Well done to all our stars this week!

Our stars are chosen from following the values of the school:  Passion, Well-being and respect.

We also chose children who have made exceptional effort in their work or attitude to learning.

Well Done To...

The children pictured above who took part in a rugby tournament last weekend and did a fabulous job of winning the RESPECT award as part of the festival.  Well done!

Well done to Megan in Swan class for competing in the Women's artistic gymnastics regional grade 3 assessments where she passed with a distinction and took home four medals!

TT Rock stars Update & Spelling Shed Top 10

Well done to the following children who are in our top 10 for attainment OR top ten for progress in their TT rock stars...

Well done to our current Spelling shed and maths shed pupils who top the charts with their scores!

Cracking times tables awards

Well done to the following children for completing their times tables to level 10!  Fantastic achievement!

Eco COUNCIL update 

It's been a busy time in school lately but we haven't neglected our eco responsibilities. There is plenty going on behind the scenes and you will need to watch this space!

Our next project will be Walk to School Week which starts on w/c 15th May. This is to celebrate National Walking Month.
This fun and engaging week-long activity for primary schools has been designed to make pupils experience first-hand the importance of walking to school.

This year's challenge encourages children to travel actively to school every day of the week, each with it's own theme. They'll learn about the green cross code and the difference it can make for individuals, communities and the planet! 

Each class will work together to make as many active journeys as possible. Pupils will be tracking their progress each day on the classroom travel chart. They will also receive their own 'Pupil Passport' which gives more information on the theme for each day and gives the pupil space to reflect and write their findings of their journey to and from school. 

Miss Edwards

Year Group Updates

Year 3 News

We have had another fantastic few weeks in Year 3 and we are so proud of how hard the children are working. 

In English, the children have watched the clip of 'Tarragon the Dragon Slayer' and have been using this to create their own narratives using adverbs, verbs, adjectives and prepositions. 

In maths, we have been looking at time where the children have been telling time to the nearest 5 minute and 1 minute intervals. We have also been looking at am and pm as well as past and to the hour. 

In science our topic is 'light'. The children have looked at natural and artificial light sources as well as investigating what items are transparent, translucent and opaque. 

In French, we are now focusing on the names of different fruits as well as learning how to spell these in French. 

We also celebrated King Charles' coronation on Friday by creating crown, decorating biscuits and researching the monarchy. 

We hope you all enjoy celebrating this over the long weekend too. 

Mrs Barry- Y3 Team Leader

Y3 AMazing writing

Over the Easter holidays, Year 3 were given a writing challenge to see if they could look at a picture and use their imagination and creativity to create their own story. We were so impressed with all of the fantastic work the children produced and every child was awarded house points for their stories. We decided to choose one winner from each class to publish in the newsletter, but this was a very difficult task as there were so many wonderful entries. 

Congratulations to Saskia in Wren, Cleo in Robin and Abigel in Finch, who were chosen as overall winners -  your stories were fantastic! 

A huge well done to all of Year 3 we have put all of your stories on display in Year 3. 

Have a look at the brilliant writing below:

Year 3- What are we learning?

Ask your child the following questions to see what they have learnt over the last few weeks!:

What is the French word for apple?

What is the digital time for quarter past 4?

What objects in your home are transparent?

Our current reads we are enjoying in Y3...

George's Marvellous Medicine - Roald Dahl 

The boy at the back of the class - Onjali Rauf

Amazing islands - Sabrina Weiss and Kerry Hyndman 

Year 4 News

The term has kicked off with a fantastic start, which began with the children thinking ahead to the King’s Coronation (another royal celebration we are able to celebrate and be part of in school).

All of the Year 4 classes worked incredibly hard in rehearsing and delivering a fantastic play which re-enacted the events that will take place this weekend in the King’s Coronation at Westminster Abbey. Through doing this the children not only learnt that Westminster Abbey is the oldest Church in London, at over 750 years old, but also that King Charles spent a great proportion of his life dedicated to environmental issues- supporting charities. This gave our Eco Warriors some food for thought and they have been inspired to start a litter picking club and label all recycling bins around Year 4.

Within Maths, the children have completed their unit on decimals and have been able to relate previous learning on multiplying and dividing by 10,100 and 1000 within this topic. This will help them in their next topic of Money.

The children have had the opportunity over the last few weeks to use much more digital technology within their Art lessons- as they began to study Andy Warhol. They have used the app ‘Abstract me’ to work on editing photos to represent a mood or convey an emotion.

Miss Keating-Bell Yr 4 Class Teacher 

Year 4 - What are we learning?

Ask your child the following questions to see what they have learnt over the last few weeks:

In book talk we have been reading 'Talking Histories', tell me about an influential person you have learnt about.

Explain how to use a place value grid to multiply a decimal by 10 and 100.

Tell me what you know about Andy Warhol's Pop Art.

Our current reads we are enjoying in Y4...

Talking Histories By Joan Haigh and Joan Lennon 

The Last Fire Fox by Lee Newbery 

Poems from a Green and Blue Planet by Sabrina Mahfouz

Year 5 News

It's been a brilliant start to the Summer term in Year 5.

The first week back was a busy one with a final rehearsal and class performances of our play 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'. We hope you enjoyed your child's class performance- learning lines is always a challenge, let alone Shakespeare! We are very proud of the cohort, they were fantastic. 

This week, we were visited by Royal Berkshire Fire & Rescue service who delivered a lesson in fire safety and what to do in the event of a fire at home. The children also got to look around the fire truck and all the different components it has. The children had a great afternoon and were in awe of the brilliant job that they do. 

In writing, the children have been learning about orangutans and the devastating effects of how Palm oil production is having a negative impact on their habitat which is leading to the extinction of the species. They will be writing explanation texts on how the production of Palm oil can be done ethically. 

We have also started a new topic in history where the children are learning about the Ancient Maya. The children are quickly learning how advanced this civilisation was and the legacy in which they have left behind. 

The children have been busy this morning, celebrating the coronation of King Charles III by doing a class quiz and decorating crowns. We hope you enjoy the bank holiday weekend. 

Miss Edwards, Y5 Team Leader

Year 5 - What are we learning?

Ask your child the following questions to see what they have learnt over the last few weeks:

Our current reads we are enjoying in Y5...

Rewilding - David A. Steen 

Tadpole's Promise - Jeanne Willis 

There's a Rang-Tan in my Bedroom - James Sellick 

Year 6 News

In History, we have been exploring the lives of Black and British people throughout history. We have been using our research skills to find out about some key people throughout history. 

In DT, we have been working on our wood tech skills and we have begun to build the base of our cam (jinx frame). Next step, is designing what our follower and over all design will be.

In English, we have finished up our voice overs for a spooky film called 'Alma'. These are available to listen to on seesaw. 

Our end of year production 'Porridge' has been revealed and auditions are well on the way. 

We couldn't be prouder of our Year 6's at the moment and they have been working exceptionally hard the last couple of weeks in the build up to SATs. They have been revising all their knowledge and are ready to do their very best next week! Bring it on!

Miss Morales, Y6 Team Leader

Our current reads we are enjoying in Y6..

Finding wonders


How High the Moon

Karyn Parsons


Katherine Rundell

Year 6- What are we learning?

Ask your child the following questions to see what they have learnt over the last few weeks:

Sports Updates

Sportshall Athletics- champions Competition!

After school on Friday 21st April, the 25-strong year 5/6 sportshall team trudged over to the senior school with all our sportshall equipment to prepare for an extremely challenging event. Having been runners up in the county finals, the team were invited to the first ever South of England Sportshall Athletics Championships. This was to be held on 26th April and 10 winners and runners up from 7 counties would battle it out in 24 events to be crowned the best in the South of England. 

Our team were lucky in the Friday training session as they were being coached by 3 people from Maidenhead Athletics Club; Leila Oliver (head coach), Divya Vasudevan and Connor Fitzgibbon who all kindly gave up their time and energy to teach warm ups, baton change, jumping, and throwing.  

On the big day we arrived at Inspire: Luton Leisure Sports Village and met the other 9 teams. The format was the same as before with races in the main area and field events behind. The main difference was the extremely high standard of performance, with other pupils jumping speed bounce with 68 jumps in 20 seconds - our highest was 54 (still highest highest in our county finals). However, the team were fearless and positive and kept trying their best, never losing an event. Our top placed girls were Alice G and Bessie who came second in the girls sprint relay, and our top placed boys were William G, Harry W and Liam D in long jump (4th place), and Thomas L, William B and Max B in javelin (4th place).  Will G came 3rd in long jump. 

Team results were revealed in reverse order and Furze Platt Junior were awarded an impressive 4th place overall. 4th in the South of England is an amazing achievement and one we are very proud of as a school. All schools were awarded a finalists plaque and certificates. A big thank you goes to the 3 parents who came along with the team to support them all on the day.

football  Competitions at St Piran's

Year 3 girls football report- Mrs Sweatman

Year three girls had a terrific afternoon playing against 9 other local teams.  They won more than half of the matches and  only lost one.  Vaani was the star player scoring more than 10 goals - Manchester City and Erling Haaland better watch out with that type of scoring record! 

Year 4 girls football report-  Mrs Tisshaw

The team had only 7 girls and no reserves - so no time off! Some girls already play in clubs but for others, it was their first time in a festival, but you would never have known. St Piran's had A,B and C teams, Clare's court, A and B teams and Holy Trinity Cookham had one team - so FP played 6 matches in total. We opened with a 4-0 win against St Pirans C, followed by 1-0 against their B's, and 2-0 against Clare's Court B's. Lucy's tenacity with a ball meant scored most of the goals in the early matches supported by Sky, Bea, Omogen and Selin but there were goals from some of these players too. Bea, Selin and Greta also defended very well and Bea played in goal as well!  After this, it became a bit tougher and we lost 1-2 to Holy T - our hardest and most exciting match of the day. Katie became our official goalkeeper and was (unexpectedly to her) excellent in this position - a real natural. We finished up 1-0 against St Piran's A and 0-1 to Clare's Court A.  A huge well done to all players for your teamwork and winning spirit. I never realised how good year 4 girls football can be! 

Year 5 girls football report by Mr Crean

Both Year 5 teams performed exceptionally well. Furze Platt A had 7 players and Furze Platt B had 6 players. 

Betsy in Furze Platt A worked very hard defensively to stop all opposition teams scoring and Libby scored a number of wonderful goals including a long range strike!

In Furze Platt Team B, Immy proved to be a fantastic shot stopper saving her team against a number of shots on goal. Mattie, Ella and Aadhira combined brilliantly to score a great team goal in the 2nd game of their group stage. 

Both teams won 4 out of 5 matches, which was eventually halted due to heavy rain. The girls did fantastically well and played as a real team. Future footballing stars in the making! Well done!

Year 6 girls football report by Mr Sawle

Furze Platt had the opportunity to play at a St Pirans Girls Football Festival, and once again the Y6 Girls football team represented the school incredibly.  Since we started the Y6 Girls football team both I and Mrs Tisshaw have seen so much interest, determination and growth from the players.  This festival of football really showed how far the team has come along with how many more Y6 girls are interested and participating not only in the schools team but outside of school as well.

 The girls played 6 matches at the tournament, against four St Pirans Team and two Upton House teams.  Our first match was a nervous one, with neither team knowing the true ability but after a few hard challenges and possible chances at both ends, both teams started to play improved free flowing football. Unfortunately, Furze Platt lost the first game but from then on, the girls’ confidence grew and grew. Both St Pirans and Upton House had very strong teams, but Furze Platt matched them in every game, not shying away from any challenge and really tested all the teams they played.

Two results the stood out for me was the excellent win against St Pirans and a well-deserved draw against Upton House. I pick out these two results because it really showed how far the team had come from the beginning, the communication, understanding and confidence shone through. All nine players had their excellent moments that they should all be proud. Well played all of them they deserve the success they have achieved this season.

Thank you to all who have supported the children this season

Y3/4 Dynamos Cricket Competition

On Thursday 27th a mixed team of year 3 and 4 children went to the Dynamos Cricket Festival at Pinkneys Green Cricket Club. This is part of England Cricket's 'Chance to Shine' initiative to encourage a love of the sport. First they played games, practising the striking, throwing, catching and agility skills and this was followed by matches against another school. It was perfect weather for cricket and the teams played with great fun and enthusiasm. They won most matches against St Edmund Campion and one of our teams, self-named 'Furze Place', actually came first place! Well done to all of you who represented our school so well and were hopefully encouraged to play cricket in the future.  The team have now been invited to attend the Berkshire County Final at Braywick Leisure Centre in June.  

Find the local Dynamos Cricket at clubs on this link:


Cross Country festival

St Piran's Annual Cross Country Festival 2023

On Thursday May 4th, 25 year 3 and 4 pupils walked to St Piran's School for the Annual Cross Country Festival. It is always a fantastic event which presents the competitors with a huge challenge. The course is 2 laps up and down fields and through woods, totalling 1 mile. Getting to the end is an impressive achievement. It was wonderful to see everyone put in their maximum effort, either racing other schools on the finish line or pushing on when they felt they had no more to give. Medalists in year 3 were Megan B 2nd, Cleo J 3rd, and Fred S 2nd. In year 4, Lucy E and Jamie P were both very comfortably 1st!!. Team scores were combined to rank the 6 schools who attended. Year 3 girls 2nd, year 3 boys 1st, year 4 girls 2nd and year 4 boys 3rd. A big thank you goes to Mike Smith at St Pirans who has been inviting us all since 2015 and the parents who volunteered to walk the teams with me. Well done all!             

Mrs Tisshaw

FPSA Update

Dates for your diary.....

The Junior School discos are back this month (the years 3 & 4 disco is 4-5pm and the years 5 & 6 disco is 5.15-6.30pm). Tickets are now on sale at www.pta-events.co.uk/fpsa.

Please keep this date free for our biggest fundraising event of the year.

We are pleased to announce that Oakwood Estates (based in Queen Street, Maidenhead) are sponsoring our summer fair this year. If you would like to have an estate agents board outside your house advertising the fair, then please complete the simple form using this link: https://forms.gle/99Z7WHA3C1zJKK358. The FPSA will receive up to £10 per board so we hope lots of Furze Platt parents can join in to help advertise the fair whilst helping to raise lots of money.

Useful Information For Parents 

Bikeability May Holiday courses Learn to Ride with links.pdf
Bikeability May Holiday course L2 with links.pdf
Bikeability May Holiday course L1 & Link.pdf
Bikeability May Holiday course L3 with links.pdf