Furze Platt Junior School 

Newsletter- 10th February 2023

End of term 3 update

Happy February Half Term FPJS community!  This term has flown by already and there is an encouraging feel of spring getting closer, with some slightly improved temperatures and the beginnings of lighter evenings!

As always, it has been a busy, fulfilling term with lots of brilliant learning opportunities and beyond.  Year 4 have had an immersive day being Vikings, Y3 have visited the British museum to enhance their learning of the Egyptians and dressed up as Egyptians too and Y5 have been getting into the groove with their weekly samba sessions, provided by Berkshire Maestros as well as enjoying a Greek Day too!

Sporting wise, this week Heron class took part in the annual dance festival and performed with such passion and confidence and we were immensely proud to win the sportshall athletics competition the week before- with both Y3/4 and Y5/6 teams finishing in first place, way ahead of their nearest competition.  Not only did they win, but  their passion, respect for others and confidence shone through- they truly represented the values of our school.

As we embark on our half point of the academic year already, I would like to thank all of our staff who go over and beyond to ensure the values of the school are continually upheld so that our children become passionate, respectful well-rounded individuals and make FPJS the great school that it is!  

For both staff and pupils, please do enjoy a restful half term break!

Anna Clark

Head of School

Dates for your diary

Safer Internet Day- "Want to talk about it?"

On Tuesday, we highlighted "Safer Internet Day" to our children.  As part of our computing curriculum, children take part in online safety lessons every term- as we are aware of how important this aspect has become in children's lives.  The theme for this year focuses on opening up conversations with children about being safe on line.  This is an important aspect for parents to also become involved in and we would encourage all parents to talk to their children about what they are experiencing online so that children and openly discuss any fears they may have- from something they have seen that has upset them, to unwanted communication from others.  The following video and guide is an excellent guide to support parents with conversations with their child


Children's Mental Health Week

This year's children's mental health week focussed on "Making connections" which is one of the 5 pillars of well-being alongside being active, learning new skills, taking notice and giving to others.  All classes had opportunities to explore these theme in their classes as well as in assembly, led by Mr Wallace.  In classes, there were activities designed to help children find further connections with their classmates.  For parents, we have a handy guide on how you can develop connections with your child and support them making connections with others to enhance their mental well-being.


Scholastic Book Fair- visiting after half term!

We are pleased to welcome the Scholastic Book Fair back to FPJS after half term.  This will be our first "in-person" book fair since 2019 and we are so excited to be able to give children and parents the opportunity to buy some fantastic books.  The book fair is very important to FPJS since every book that is purchased allows us to claim free books for the school library- something we are passionate about at FPJS!

Parents can now pay for books online whilst at the Fair! Parents will be able to scan the QR code which we will display at the fair on phones to easily access the parent pay website to purchase books AND we also have a card reader for ease of payments too!  Parents can also buy gift vouchers online ahead of the Book Fair to avoid handling cash. Vouchers can be purchased until midnight the day before your Book Fair is collected. Find out more on our gift vouchers page.

Our fair will be running in the hall after school from Wednesday 22nd to Friday 24th February from 3.15 til 3.45pm and all of our children will be visiting the book fair beforehand to write their "wish lists" of books they would like to buy. Our brilliant Y6 children will be running this event and hoping to smash our target of £820 worth of book sales.

Quick Links

Stars Of The Week

Star of the week Newsletter 9 10th Feb

Well done to all our stars this week!

Our stars are chosen from following the values of the school:  Passion, Well-being and respect.

We also chose children who have made exceptional effort in their work or attitude to learning.

TT Rock stars Update & Spelling Shed Top 10

Well done to the following children who are in our top 10 for attainment OR top ten for progress in their TT rock stars...

Well done to our current Spelling shed and maths shed pupils who top the charts with their scores!

Mastery of Times Tables award

Eco COUNCIL update from Miss Edwards 

The Eco Warriors and I met last Friday to discuss our commitment to "Cut Your Carbon" week which is running this week.
The children are closely monitoring the use of energy in the classroom and reminding their teachers and peers to switch off lights, TV displays and heaters. We are hoping this will raise more awareness and change behaviours surrounding energy usage. 

Did you know that in 2019, schools spent £620 million on energy bills! That's enough money to employ 22,500 new teachers. Today, that figure is expected to pass £1 billion!

We will be submitting our results after half term and our continued efforts will contribute to our Eco-Schools award. 

Year Group Updates

Year 3 News

It has been another fantastic and exciting week in Year 3!

In English the children have completed their stories on Piper which they have thoroughly enjoyed. They have used wonderful vocabulary as well as using key punctuation. 

In maths we have looked at perimeter and what this is as well as how to measure and calculate the perimeter of a shape. 

In art we created our own mod rock mummies and then painted these using Egyptian patterns. 

The children were so excited to attend a trip to the British Museum this week. See some of the pictures below. 

We also celebrated the end of our topic with an Egyptian day on Friday. The children and staff all looked fantastic and really enjoyed making Egyptian style jewellery as well as making a travel brochure and writing in hieroglyphics. Well done Year 3 - what a wonderful way to end a term. 

Mrs Barry- Y3 Team Leader

Year 3 Trip to the British Museum

The children were so excited to attend a trip to the British Museum on Thursday. We looked at real Ancient Egyptian paintings as well as mummies and sculptures. We really enjoyed the talk about how people were mummified as well as learning about many Ancient Egyptian facts. The children were so well behaved, which was recognised by other adults, and we all had a fantastic time! A big thank you to all the wonderful staff and parents who helped to support us. 

Year 3- What are we learning?

Ask your child the following questions to see what they have learnt over the last few weeks!:

How would you treat a bite?

What is perimeter?

What time conjunctions can you remember from your writing this week?

Our current reads we are enjoying in Y3...

The story of Tutankhamen - Patricia Cleveland -Peck 

I am the seed that grew the tress - Fiona Waters 

Meet the Ancient Egyptians - James Davies 

Year 4 News

It has been a busy few weeks in year 4 with lots of art work being created and writing being published onto Viking longships!

In maths, we have been learning about finding area and perimeter. The children have been learning about how to find the perimeter of shapes. The children have been using a range of hands-on resources to create shapes and using these to find missing lengths as you can see in the pictures.

The children have been drawing on their knowledge from our history lessons in their English lessons over the last 2 weeks. They have written fantastic balanced arguments about the Vikings and whether they really are the violent raiders that history suggests! Their finished pieces show a great understanding of subordinate clauses.

Two weeks ago, year 4 celebrated a very exciting Viking day. Two children (Bom, Skylark and Albie, Swift) have written fabulous pieces of writing, which you can read below to see the activities that we took part in.

Mrs Barbosa Y4 Team Leader

Year 4 viking day

When I arrived at school, it was an amazing sight to see all of the year 4's dressed up like Vikings. All around me were horned helmets, long dresses and axes, butwhen I saw the teachers, they looked epic! 

We went to the hall and there, right in front of us, was a real Viking! He told us to sit down so he could tell us some fun facts. 

Fact 1 - there were no horns on Viking helmets

Fact 2 - Vikings actually called themselves Norsemen

Fact 3 - The god of naughtiness, Loki, is the uncle of Thor

Then, we played a game , learnt about the gods, solved some riddles and learnt the story about Thor's hammer. I learnt so much in the workshop.

After that, we made special amulets. Finally, we made mini shields while watching Viking videos. 

I would like to thank all of the staff who help to make the day so amazing and fun for everyone.

By Albie S, Swift Class

On Friday 27th January, year 4 had a Viking Day. When we all got settled, Miss Thomas gave us our activity, which was solving a code that had been written in Viking runes (the Viking language). 

After coding, we had a workshop and a man dressed like a Viking came and talked to use about Viking life and we had to make statue poses about the Viking gods. 

After lunch, we made Viking pendants. I really liked mine because it looked like a dragon face!

I loved the whole day and wish I could do it all over again!

By Bom L, Skylark Class

Year 4- What are we learning?

Ask your child the following questions to see what they have learnt over the last few weeks:

How would you use the written method for division to solve 164  ÷  3?

Explain the relationship between the volume of a sound and its vibrations.

What is a subordinate clause?

Our current reads we are enjoying in Y4...

The Polar Bear Explorers' Club - Alex Bell

The White Fox - Jackie Morris

Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats - T.S. Elliot 

Year 5 News

Well done, Year 5! We made it to half term. I can't believe how much learning has taken place over the last six weeks. You have all been brilliant. 

In maths, we have come to the end of fractions (I can hear the children breathing a sigh of relief!) and we will be continuing to link the knowledge we have learned with decimals and percentages after half term. 

In writing, we have been busy planning our Greek myths based on King Midas. We hope to start writing these up after half term.

In art, we have finished our cityscapes. The children looked at the work of two artists - Stephen Wiltshire and Vincent Van Gogh - where they amalgamated the two styles onto their own piece. (Pictured) We hope you like them!

On Wednesday, the children enjoyed their Greek day where they made a wreath to compliment their outfits, took part in some Olympic style games, looked at Greek artefacts and tasted Greek foods. As you can imagine, the olives were not a favourite! 

Have a wonderful half term and we look forward to seeing you back in school on Monday 20th February. 

Miss Edwards, Y5 Team Leader

Year 5 - What are we learning?

Ask your child the following questions to see what they have learnt over the last few weeks:

Our current reads we are enjoying in Y5...

A Midsummer Night's Dream - A Shakespeare Story by Andrew Matthews 

Kensuke's Kingdom - Michael Morpurgo 

Dragon Mountain - Katie and Kevin Tsang 

Year 6 News

What a fantastic half term we have had in Year 6! It has been lovely to see all of the children showing enthusiasm in their learning - you have all been fantastic. 

In maths, we have delved into the world of percentages and have been working hard to improve our reasoning.

In English, we have been writing diary entries based on a very ominous story called Boo. We have been focusing on using tense correctly and consistently throughout. 

In History, we have been making our final decisions on who we think were the most advanced Ancient Civilisation out of the Egyptians, Greeks and Maya. The children have been comparing their buildings, number and writing systems and the legacies they have left behind. 

In science, we have been exploring evolution. We carried out a fun experiment to see what bird beak shape was the best and picking up food. 

We hope you have a restful and well deserved half term. 

Miss Morales, Y6 Team Leader

Year 6- What are we learning?

Ask your child the following questions to see what they have learnt over the last few weeks:

Our current reads we are enjoying in Y6..

Herstory - Katherine Halligan

The House with Chicken Legs - Sophie Anderson

A Poem for Everyday of the Year - Allie Esiri

Sports Update

smashing the sportshall athletics competition!

On Friday 27th January, we took two teams of 18 pupils to Braywick Leisure Centre to compete in the SSP Sportshall Indoor Athletics competition. This year (an epic) 12 schools took part, allowing 432 children from different schools to test their running, jumping and throwing abilities in an effort to beat their PB’s and win the team place at SHA County Finals. FPJS have always made huge efforts to trial pupils for the event to try to find the best combination of talent. Many pupils took part in trials and many showed great talent but only 9 girls and 9 boys could be in the teams. Our process has worked well as in the last 5 years, we have qualified for county finals every time. So could we do it again?

There are 24 events in total – 12 for boys and 12 for girls – but these are broken down further into 6 track and 6 field. Scores are gained by combining team PB’s across different events. It’s all very complicated but also highly competitive. Pupils needed nerves of steel and great focus to do their best..

And both teams absolutely smashed the competition!  Both teams one first place in 14 of the competitions- this was most definitely the best performance we have ever seen!  The final results were as follows:

Lower School placings:

Furze Platt Junior 1st place with 530 points

Courthouse Junior 2nd place with 412 points

Holyport Junior 3rd place with 408 points

Upper School placings:

Furze Platt Junior 1st place with 530 points

Holyport Junior 2nd place with 506 points

Oldfield Junior 3rd place with points 430 points


Top scores of the day for all schools:

Alice G triple jump: 6.8m 

Alice G standing long jump: 197cm

Megan J and Phoebe S: speed bounce 50

Phoebe S vertical jump 42cm

Thomas L speed bounce: 52

William G standing long jump: 206cm

Bea F Speed bounce: 50

Lucy E standing long jump 164cm

Lily T vertical jump 35cm

Gia D-J javelin 10m

Jack Jenkins standing long jump 173cm

Aidan H chest push 5.75m

The children were all absolute superstars with their effort sand teamwork and have rightfully earned their places at County Finals after facing very tough competition. 

We would like to wish both teams the best of luck on Friday March 3rd 2023 when they travel to Newbury for the finals.  

 Mr Manez and Mrs Tisshaw

Heron Class performance at the Dance Festival

Many children and adults in the school will likely have the earworm of Kylie Minogue’s “Step back in time” on replay over the last few weeks as they will have heard the pupils of Heron Class working hard towards their dance for the festival. In their PE lessons and snatched minutes in morning registration, the children have worked very hard practicing sections over and over again. 

The overall theme for the Festival this year was ‘Kings and Queens’ but Heron Class, as the only year 6 class in the production, were given ‘Dance Crazes’ over the 70 years. This was a wide brief but Jane Douglass who runs the Festival and initially creates and teaches part of the dance to the children, simply said “use any dance craze you want as we want the parents in the audience to spot a momentor a set of moves they know and have done”. So we had: Charleston, Rock n Roll, Macarena,Saturday Night Fever, Grease, Oops upside your head, Superman, The Conga, Steps (Tragedy), YMCA, The Dab…the list goes on.

Heron were chosen to be the final school to perform. They had a long wait but it was worthwhile as they absolutely smashed it! We were so proud of them all! Their energy and enjoyment was brilliant and there was even applause during the performance. A special mention goes to Matilda, who opened the dance with a solo, and also to William G (John Travolta), Russian dancers Thomas, Ervin, and Theo (who did 2 solos) and Holly.

Mrs Tisshaw and Miss Priti

Dance opportunities for Girls

Following our brilliant performances at the Maidenhead Dance Festival, if your child shows an interest in dancing, there are many opportunities for them to participate in future events by joining the  Junior Dance Company.   Please do not hesitate toe contact Jane Douglass, who runs the Junior Dance Company on info@janedouglass.co.uk

Netball News!

Sharp Shooting! The Netball Squad travelled to Holyport school on Wednesday 8th February to play their first match of 2023.The game started well with both team’s shooters keeping the scores level. With continued super play from everyone, the score remained tight and the lead kept changing, until the final quarter then all our practice sessions fell into place, the flow up and down the court from defence to attack was great to see. The final score was FP 15 - Holyport 12. A special mention to Rosie H and Alice G for excellent shooting, they were both outstanding! We were so proud of the squad, this was our best game so far!

Thank you to all of you for your commitment to training and matches.Well done everyone!

 Mrs Winter & Mr Manez

FPSA Updates

On Tuesday 21st and Wednesday 22nd of February, the FPSA will be collecting coins and bank notes (both sterling and foreign currency) which may be clogging up your drawers. You can give us ANY currency including current or out of date UK currency and current or out of date foreign currency. We will be outside the Infants gates between 08.35 and 09.05 so please dig deep and get rid of that holiday and old change.

Congratulations - between us in 2022 alone, we raised a huge £29K through the FPSA to support our children in our schools. Thank you!

Do you want to know how the money has been spent, what the future plans are and to have your say suggesting other ways to spend it? If you have around an hour to spare on Wednesday 29th March from 7.45pm, come the FPSA AGM in the Infants school hall to find out more.

We want to celebrate our success together, so for those who come in person there will be a glass of wine and an opportunity to chat with current FPSA members and both heads of schools who will explain their plans for the money raised and how funds were spent in 2022 for the benefit of our children. We recognise that not everyone can make it in person though, so you're also welcome to join us virtually by Zoom (details to follow...but you'll have to find your own wine).

If you are interested in joining the FPSA, now is a great time as we are looking for new team members in particular a secretary - but don't worry, there is no pressure to join if you come to the meeting to simply find out more. If you can't make it and are interested in getting involved, please do reach out, we'd love to talk to you (fpsa.ebox@gmail.com)

Useful Information For Parents 

SEND support:

IAS newsletter February 2023.pdf