Furze Platt Infant School

Newsletter - 4th February 2022

Fabulous Febraury is here!

We are only a few days into the month of February and already we have been busy learning about so many things.

This week, we were delighted to welcome Paul Hay back to our school for our Online Safety Awareness Day. With so many of our young children having regular access to technology, whether in school, or on their own or their parents devices, how to stay safe when using the internet is a top priority for us as a school. We also know how important it is to keep parents and carers informed about e-safety too, so please do check our newsletters and website for regular updates and guidance.

We have been very pleased to see the number of positive COVID cases in school decrease over the past couple of weeks, although we are still experiencing some challenges when we have cases within our staff team. Thank you, as ever, for your understanding and support.

Our curriculum continues to be enriched with many inspiring and exciting opportunities for our children, both with visitors in school as well as trips. Key dates for the next few weeks are below, but as we are constantly updating our school calendar, please do keep checking to keep up to date with what's going on!

Have a lovely weekend! :)

Jane Indge

Head of School

Diary dates - coming soon!

Here is a brief reminder of what's going to be happening in school over the next few weeks...

Monday 7th February - Friday 11th February - Children's Mental Health Week

Monday 7th February - Year 1 RNLI visit

Tuesday 8th February - Safer Internet Day 2022

Wednesday 16th February - Year 1 Ray Mill Island Visit (more information to follow next week)

Monday 21st February - Friday 25th February - Half term holiday (school closed)

Monday 28th February - Willow Class Trip to London

Tuesday 1st March - Holly Class Trip to London

Thursday 3rd March - Hazel Class trip to London

Thursday 3rd March - World Book Day

Friday 4th March - World Book Day (non-uniform)

On-line Safety Awareness Day

On Thursday we were visited by Paul Hay who taught us about the importance of staying safe online. In advance of Safer Internet Day 2022 next week (see below) we shared the variety of games we play online and discussed how much fun they are but also the important tips we need to remember to keep us safe. Paul taught us the 4 Top Tips, which include being kind to people online, not talking to strangers and keeping our private information private. He told us that passwords and private information is just like our toothbrush, which should not be shared.

For further information, including links to Paul's presentation and the 4 Top Tips poster - as well as lots of other useful websites, please take a look at our E-Safety page on our school website (below).

Paul is also very happy to be contacted directly via email, should you have any questions: paul.hay@pclstraining.com

We will be learning more about staying safe on-line next week in school as Tuesday 8th February is Safer Internet Day 2022. Safer Internet Day is celebrated globally in February each year to promote the safe and positive use of digital technology for children and young people, and to inspire a national conversation about using technology responsibly, respectfully, critically, and creatively. The theme this year is ‘All fun and games? Exploring respect and relationships online’.

Essential Letters and Sounds

We have been really excited to launch our new phonics programme 'Essential Letters and Sounds' (ELS). The children have really been enjoying the daily sessions which have helped us to build upon our existing excellent practice in school.

Thank you to all who were able to attend our ELS information sessions today. Please take a look at our Home Learning Resources page on our school website for lots of useful ELS resources as well as the presentation slides.

Early Years News

Our Bumblebees, Caterpillars and Dragonflies have been busy celebrating and learning about Chinese New Year. They made tiger masks, painted good luck messages and experimented with noodles! The children learnt how to say Gong Hei Fat Choy and and sang the song together. They practised using chopsticks to develop their fine motor and hand eye coordination skills.

The children have found out lots of information about animals through sharing our new non-fiction animal books. They have been sorting books in the reading area into fiction and non-fiction and discussing the differences between the two. They have all made a 'What am I?' fact sheet about one of their favourite animals and have impressed us all with beautiful pictures and descriptions.

Year 1 News

We have had another busy couple of weeks learning all about different emergency services!

We have been focusing on Doctors and the NHS. We learnt all about how hard they worked together as a team to help look after us all during a very challenging time. We decided to put our own team work to the test and work together to order ourselves in height order, this helped us learn just how important team work is!

We also set ourselves the challenge of completing random acts of kindness which included making cards for different people we felt needed reminding about how special they are to us and why!

This week we have been celebrating Chinese New Year in our Outdoor Learning area, exploring the different sounds we might hear in different music used during the celebrations.

Year 1 Doctor Visit

As part of our project 'Emergency!', we have been thinking about people who help us. We were very fortunate to have a special visit from Cillian's Dad, Dr Rory Chin-Barr, to talk to us about the role of a doctor. With his assistant (honorary-doctor Cillian), he demonstrated how doctors check our reflexes, heart and eyes with special instruments. He also explained that there are different kinds of doctors like psychiatrists who help us with our thoughts and feelings as well as doctors who help us with our physical body. He helped demonstrate the skills you need to be a doctor such as kindness, mathematics and good listening. He also answered lots of poignant questions posed by the children about how rewarding it is to help others. The children were incredibly inspired and many have now decided to become doctors themselves!

Thames Valley Police Visit

Our children in Year 1 have also been visited by Thames Valley Police. This was a great opportunity for us to learn more about the different things the Police do to help us. We got to try on some of the uniform and even climb into a police van! Some of the staff were arrested by the children too! It was a great opportunity to learn about all the different things that the Police do to help us. Thank you to Thames Valley Police for coming in to visit us, we had a great time!

Year 2 News

We have continued to explore the theme of dragons as part of our 'Fire, Fire!' project. After a surprise visit from a dragon onto our playground we decided to prepare, make and try some soup for our dragon. We made tomato and red pepper soup, we learnt how to use equipment safely to prepare and cook food. We decided that it looked like fire and tasted "divine"!!

We have also been busy creating our own dragon sculptures using clay. We spent a long time using different tools to help us create detailed patterns on our dragons too.

As it was Chinese New Year this week we thought it would be a great opportunity to explore the significance of dragons within this celebration. We made our own Chinese dragons thinking carefully about how we could include the colours red and gold.

House Points

House point assembly slide.pptx

Awesome achievements!

We are so happy to have been able to share some of our children's fantastic achievements outside of school during our Celebration Assemblies.

Well done to Hashir for achieving his white belt in kickboxing. He told everyone the different kicks he had to demonstrate including: side kicks, front kicks and hook kicks. Well done Hashir, we know you have been working really hard to improve your skills in kickboxing!

Jasleen was very proud to share her Level 2 swimming certificate she has achieved. She explained that she had to swim 10 metres in water without a float, using a noodle instead and is already working towards her Level 3 award. Keep swimming Jasleen!

Special mention to George who has been taking the school value of Respect to heart by caring for the environment around our community and litter picking every day on the way to or from school. Thank you for looking after our school and surrounding areas George!

We are all very proud of Ned, who has recently joined The Green Team, a group of local volunteers, on two litter picks. Ned came up with this idea all by himself after learning about how harmful plastic in the environment can be for wildlife. Well done, Ned! You are truly an environmental superstar!

Elvis has been working on his football skills and has earned himself a medal! Well done Elvis, keep up the hard work!

Head of School Awards

Head of School Awards 2021-22.4th February.pdf


Super-PoWeR Awards 2020-21.4th February.pptx

Quick Links

4 Top Tips Poster.pdf
Inspiring children to build a better digital world.pdf