Furze Platt Infant School

Newsletter - 21st January 2022

Happy New Year!

Welcome back! We have had such a busy and exciting start to the term already. It has been lovely to see the children return to school full of such enthusiasm and passion for learning as 2022 begins!

Our new projects for the Spring term in each year group are already providing the children with engaging and inspiring opportunities - you can read more about these in our Year Group News items below. We are also incredibly excited to be launching our new phonics programme this term. Don't forget, if you would like to know more about this, there are parent information sessions on Friday 4th February. Please do come along!

We have also been very interested to learn that the team at White Rose Hub (WRH) have just launched an app for children in Key Stage 1 (Year 1 and 2) designed to help children build greater number confidence and fluency. The WRH Maths programme is used in all year groups and we will be introducing the app in school over the next few weeks. As it is designed for use at home as well as in school and is free to download, we wanted to share this with parents and carers too. More information below...

As these challenging times continue, we appreciate the support of our families in helping us to keep staff, children and all in our community as safe as we possibly can. Whilst we have seen a small increase in the numbers of positive COVID cases for our children and staff since returning to school after the Christmas break, we are very glad that we have been able to continue to keep school life as normal as possible for our children. Thank you for your continued patience and understanding.

Have a lovely weekend! :)

Jane Indge

Head of School

Diary dates - coming soon!

Here is a brief reminder of what's going to be happening in school over the next few weeks...

Tuesday 25th January - Doctor visiting Year 1

Thursday 3rd February - Online Safety Awareness Day

Thursday 3rd February @ 7:00pm- Virtual Internet Safety Talk - for parents

Friday 4th February @ 9:00 am and 2:30 pm - ELS Phonics Information Sessions - for parents

Friday 4th February - Thames Valley Police visiting Year 1

Monday 7th February - RNLI visiting Year 1

Tuesday 8th February - Safer Internet Day 2022

Wednesday 16th February - Ray Mill Island Trip - Year 1

Friday 18th February - Term ends

Monday 21st February - Friday 25th February - Half term holiday (school closed)

Early Years News

Our Bumblebees, Caterpillars and Dragonflies settled back into school and started learning all about Winter. The children enjoyed exploring outside and looking for signs of changes in the weather. Each class left some water in our outside areas and checked each day to see if it was frozen. The children were excited to talk about the changes that they noticed and recorded their findings in their ice diaries. In maths we have been exploring weight and capacity and learning lots of new mathematical language.

This week started with our Brilliant Beginning for our project 'All about Animals'. The Early Years children took part in an exciting Jungle Animal Workshop. They have begun storytelling 'Dear Zoo' by Rod Campbell and have drawn their own story maps. Look out next week for recordings on Seesaw!

Year 1 News

What an amazing start to our new project: Emergency! The children all looked amazing dressed as Emergency Workers for our Brilliant Beginning! We had fun sharing our different choices and why they are important to us. We have also been exploring the features of non-fiction books this week and using the facts we have learnt to help us create a range of emergency vehicles. We spent a long time thinking about the colours, shapes, purposes of the vehicles and even included working wheels!

We have enjoyed exploring musical themes and emergency rescues during our Outdoor Learning sessions, creating our own pulley system to rescue people!

On Thursday, we kick started our exciting range of speakers to come in and talk to us about the jobs they do to help us. We were visited by a Dentist team who spoke to us about the importance of looking after our teeth.

Year 2 News

We have had a great start to our new project: Fire, Fire! We have been busy immersing ourselves in our fabulous new project, Fire! Fire! We investigated how the Earth revolves around the sun anticlockwise, spinning on its axis. We had great fun recreating this in order to show how this gives us our seasons. This week for our Brilliant Beginning we became dragon hunters! We discovered lots of clues that led us to believe that a dragon had landed on our playground!! The dragon even left some dragon eggs behind!! We have spent the week finding out more about dragons including how they are usually represented in stories, closely observing their eyes and scales.

We have also been participating in some science experiments, including a candle experiment to help us learn what fire needs and creating our own chocolate rocks, exploring how heat can change the state of a solid.

House Points

House point assembly slide.pptx

Awesome achievements!

We are so happy to have been able to share some of our children's fantastic achievements outside of school during our Celebration Assemblies.

Sarah was very proud of the medal she received for completing a 5k run around Dorney Lake. Well done Sarah!

Aurelia was very proud of her certificate and badge showing her fantastic progression in swimming. Great work Aurelia!

Isaac was very proud of the orange belt he received in martial arts. 'I really enjoy learning new kicks and moves!' Keep up the good work Isaac!

Head of School Awards

Head of School Awards 2021-22.21st Jan.docx


Super-PoWeR Awards 2020-21

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