Week of 11/19/21

School News

Important Dates:

Thanksgiving Break

November 22-26

Be sure to check your child's Itslearning courses for more specific details about lessons and assessments.

English Language Arts News

ELA is currently enjoying reading and analyzing novels. Students are working on presentation and analytical skills as they prepare for their summatives on the 9/10th of December and the 15th of December. As we near the end of the semester, please be checking for missing assignments as we can’t accept them after the semester ends.

Spanish News

We are finishing the first half of Unit 2 with students being able to describe their house, describe the furniture in the house and say where each item is located. After the break we will continue with Unit 2 with chores associated with the house. During this part of the unit students will learn to use and conjugate all regular verbs in Spanish. They will also be able to state obligations and chores that they have to do. The next Spanish test will be on December 16.

Math News

In 8th Grade Math, we have a test this Friday 11/19 (Slope Intercept Form). After Thanksgiving Break, we will begin Statistics and Probability (Scatter Plots, Trend Lines, Two-way Tables, and Story Graphs) We will have a summative over those topics in December.

Algebra is finishing Systems of Equations and will begin Arithmetic Sequences after Thanksgiving Break. Unit 4 Summative is scheduled for December 10th!

Accel A is finishing up part two of our quadratic functions unit by studying the structure, graphs, and key characteristics. After Thanksgiving break, we are going to finish out the unit by looking at different solving strategies for quadratic equations. We will also study how they can be applied to solve real world problems.

Science News

For High school Physical Science we are finishing Unit 5: Nuclear Energy and Acids/Bases. We are not having a test over the material. Instead we decided to give a Quiz on November 19th.

When we return from Thanksgiving Break we will be starting our unit on Heat and Temperature. The students will be learning about heat energy and heat transfer (mainly conduction, convection, and radiation). We will complete several hands-on labs as well as some virtual labs over these concepts. The unit 6 test is scheduled for December 17th.

Social Studies News

When we return from Thanksgiving break, students will continue their studies of the Civil War in Georgia and the post-war period known as Reconstruction (SS8H6). The South was in a state of chaos and uncertainty after the Civil War. Cities were destroyed, houses were burned, farmland was ruined. Georgia underwent Reconstruction from 1865, when the Civil War ended, until 1871. Though relatively brief, Reconstruction transformed the state politically, socially, and economically. Students will have a vocabulary quiz the week they return and have the Unit 5 test the following week. Specific dates will be posted in advance on the ItsLearning planner and are on the board in class.

Connections News

Lakeside will be hosting a Dodgeball Tournament during Connections right before the end of the semester. The potential date right now is Friday, December. 17th, but more details to follow. To enter the dodgeball tournament - teams will consist of 8 players. Cost is $3 per player. Prizes will be awarded for winning teams. Don't want to enter the dodgeball tournament? We will have designated rooms for students to visit. Rooms may include a technology room, movie room, etc. Concessions will also be sold this day! Lots of fun to be had! More details to be announced during connections!

Counselor's Corner

Check out the site below for all information related to high school transition. This link can also be found on our website and includes important information about the STEM, Humanities, and Film Academies at Forsyth Central High School (now available to ALL students in Forsyth County!) as well as information about Alliance Academy. If you have any questions regarding high school transition, please contact Mrs. Woddail, the 8th grade counselor, at kwoddail@forsyth.k12.ga.us or extension 431005.


The 7th Annual Holiday House Toy Drive will take place November 17th-December 6th. Pick a gift ornament off the Lion Giving Tree in the front entrance. More information can be found HERE.